Tuesday, April 16, 2013


In the wake of yesterday's terror attack at the Boston marathon the news coverage has been non-stop. I sat fixated for several hours myself. The who and why of such an act is beyond my comprehension. The reasoning and thought behind it can only be demented. Lives and dreams shattered forever. Another tick on the clock.
I can not help but question the replaying of those events ( on videotape) several times per hour. Yes, the news should be reported. I do not advocate for the censorship of the news. I would submit however that the continual replay and analysis is serving very little purpose. Shock and grief are what most experience with the first viewing. With continued viewing anger grows. This is the issue I have. Let us not foster that anger, when the anger is unfocused. We don't know who or what is responsible. To feed the anger may lead to mistakes in judgement.
I'm angry ! I am saddened, but mostly angered ! I feel a frustration not having anyone to blame. Not having anyone or group from which to extract my revenge. Someone to hold accountable. The more I hear and see the more my frustration grows. I am trying to not listen to much of the coverage now. I have the gruesome facts. I have been informed of all I need to know. Continued coverage just clouds my judgement.
As a people,as a nation we will move forward. These tragic events serve only as a reminder. A reminder of our mortality. A reminder of the evil that lives in our world. Hold fast to the truth. I will not hide and cower in fear.
We have professionals that will get to the bottom of this. That is their job and I will leave them to it. I'm no different than anyone else and have my opinions. I will share them with close friends and family. I will say this much, you can not make sense out of a senseless act ! 


  1. ("In the wake of yesterday's terror attack at the Boston marathon the news coverage has been non-stop. I sat fixated for several hours myself. The who and why of such an act is beyond my comprehension. The reasoning and thought behind it can only be demented. Lives and dreams shattered forever. Another tick on the clock." ..............
    "I can not help but question the replaying of those events ( on videotape) several times per hour. Yes, the news should be reported. I do not advocate for the censorship of the news. I would submit however that the continual replay and analysis is serving very little purpose. Shock and grief are what most experience with the first viewing. With continued viewing anger grows. This is the issue I have. Let us not foster that anger, when the anger is unfocused. We don't know who or what is responsible. To feed the anger may lead to mistakes in judgement.") - Ben Reichart -

    Your words are necessary and sufficient for the times. If I could write such words I might be able to explain; you have captured the essence of the situation. Unfortunately, the pattern of violence is repeating itself. There are no explanations; there will be no understanding; lives forever changed; the dead will be mourned; the situation eploited by vested interests of correspondents, politicians and fear-mongers. But life will go on ..... (such a insufficient phrase but true). Life has to be lived and this is an experience that more and more are being forced to endure. In a short period of time they see both the darkest evil in the hearts of men and the greatest goodness; its all part of the tapestry. Its best to keep in mind the imagery of those who ran towards the event to help; that is the hope of mankind amidst senseless disaster.

  2. Horrible, senseless tragedy. So thankful we have Jesus to trust in, in these troubling times.


  3. And today our news shows photos of all of it, and what appears to be a pressure cooker that enclosed the bomb, complete with an explanation of how that all works. Hello? Is that sensible...instructing the next 'terrorist' in how to construct such another weapon? Shaking head, and wagging finger at the news reporting!

  4. The news industry isn't in business to be sensible. No one needs instruction on how bombs are made who isn't interested in the first place. Sugar and flour are explosive under the right conditions; don't ask me how to make a sugar bomb, I ain't interested. But some fool could probably figure it out. The point behind all the news coverage is propaganda towards the ends of fear-mongering. There are voices on the news proclaiming that "we are better than this" attempting to counter the direction this will all head eventually; anyone remember 9-11; more foolishness to come; maybe its time to ban pressure cookers, ball bearings and batteries for kids toys ....... it all makes sense ...... remember there is money in "wars on terror" and you can get people to take off their shoes to get on airplanes (while carrying pocket knives !!) or wear purple hats on Tuesdays to ward off dragons if they can be made fearful. Next after the news will come the politicians and the security measures; more loss of freedom and fear....... America is better than this. Unfortunately the pattern seems set; stay tuned for further exploitation; news special at 11. Deja vu all over again.....

  5. I agree...with you, Ben and with you, Tom. Sensationalism, reporting all the gore...all it does is instill fear and anger...and set up the next 'terrorist' to get his five minutes of fame by doing something a little more bold and much more horrendous. Sometimes I wonder, why do I even watch the news?
