Monday, April 8, 2013

Surrendering to sickness

I wonder why it is we are being taught to surrender to sickness ? You don't think so ? Well just look around and you will see what I mean. For every little ache and pain there is something to buy. A pill,patch or therapy. Rush to your doctor, preferably a specialist, and receive a diagnosis. They will have some initials to explain it. Lifelong treatment is sure to follow. Maybe even disability ! Surrender to the sickness, you are powerless against it. You don't feel 100 per cent. You should feel fantastic every waking moment and if you don't, medicate. And this is not limited to physical ailments, not by a long shot, your mental health is subject to interpretation. Could be you have a disorder of some kind. Not to worry though, modern science can explain it.
Why are we setting our children up for a lifetime of hypochondria ? We are teaching them to seek medical advice and treatment for every little bump and bruise. Commercials on television spout out a steady stream of possible ailments. All of which, impact your quality of life. All of which impact your ability to function at the highest levels. You had best seek treatment, now. We are also teaching them that if you do have some medical condition the rest of the world should then accommodate you. You are the victim !
At a time when all you hear about is the increasing cost of healthcare we encourage more trips to the doctors. We insist upon more and more testing. We push the sale of " medications " of dubious value. The bottom line in all of this is simple. Hank Williams explained it best when he wrote, you ain't gonna get out of this world alive. That is the fact.
I work around a lot of younger people. I see the attitude is a lot different than when I was their age. I tried to avoid the doctors. You didn't go to those " sawbones " unless the sickness or injury was pretty severe. And in my day they didn't do full body cat scans because you stubbed your toe. Doctors were expensive even then and so to be avoided. Home remedies was the order of the day. You learned to live with a few aches and pains. You learned to just work through it. My problems belonged to me and no one else.
When I was younger there was a stigma associated with frequent trips to a doctor. Your peers didn't think much of that. What was wrong with you ? We had names for people like that. Now people speak of going to the doctor as a badge of honor. They discuss their ailments,of all kinds. Some even seem to compete for the most ailments.
I have days when I don't feel well. I have days when I am sad. I am alive and will not medicate that. I will not  surrender to sickness. I need my faculties about me to fight and to feel. We all need help at times. I'm not saying we don't but we should ask for it only when necessary. Most medications mask not cure. I prefer to face the world and my life unmasked.

1 comment:

  1. "I prefer to face the world and my life unmasked." Can I use this on my epitaph ??? Lately, I am spending (wasting life) time dealing with what I derisively call "American Health Care" involving my mother and my wife. I agree in triplicate with your commentary; "surrendering to sickness" is just the tip of the iceberg; surrendering to the industrial-insurance-healthcare-pharmaceutical complex is more the truth. We have met the enemy and he is us as the great Pogo said. I have no health insurance; want no health insurance; desire to visit no doctors (except pain relief or fractures); take nothing but vitamins and over the counter arthritis drugs. But somehow I spend hours and days in doctors waiting rooms as well as lost time in dealing with Medicare, Medicaid and all the various insurance company a body can stand. Its slow death by torture. If it all promoted actual health I might change my opinion but that is not likely to happen under current conditions in America.
