Friday, March 29, 2013

Sole Responsibility

I keep hearing on the news about that Holmes guy. He is the one that shot all those people in the movie theater. He is trying to make a deal with the prosecutor. He will accept life in prison in exchange for not receiving the death penalty. The prosecution has not decided to even seek the death penalty. There is much talk of him having mental health issues and they are not sure he will even be proven guilty. He may be confined to a mental hospital.
My first reaction was, those in the theater did not get a chance to make a deal ! A dozen lives lost and I don't know how many wounded. He never gave any of those people a choice.
Secondly I thought, how could it be taking this long to even bring this to trial ? Is there any doubt about his guilt ? No, there is not. The only thing in question is, why ? Is this person sane ? No. No sane man or woman would commit such an act.
This trial is only for one purpose. To decide his fate. And now this person wants to control or at the very least influence that. I don't think so ! I would not make a deal with this, the most undeserving of people, for anything. He is certainly aware of death ! Obviously he fears death, as well he should, but that is another matter. To offer him the comfort of knowing he will not be put to death is unacceptable to me. To spare his life is to offer him hope. The hope that someday he could be free again. I would not give him that hope.
I will agree that those thoughts are a bit less than Christian. I will accept that, but it still doesn't change my mind. I believe this person is not sane, but sane enough. Sane enough to plan this massacre. Sane enough to carry it out and then seek mercy. In my eyes he was sane enough to plan his own demise. Just as he denied life to those in that theater I would deny him life as well. I offer no justification or rationalization for carrying out this sentence. It is a sentence written by himself ! I will not feel guilt for his actions, nor will I feel guilt for his death. He, and he alone, is responsible for both.

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