Thursday, March 21, 2013

More or Less

Can things be more or less criminal ? Apparently they can. There is a movement afoot here in the state of Maryland to legalize the possession and use of certain quantities of Marijuana. I'm aware several other states have already done so, but that is not my point. Possessing more than a specified amount would be a criminal offense. So it would be more or less criminal. I understand fully the concept of degrees of criminality. The severity of the infraction should be reflected in the punitive stage. The part I'm getting confused about is why is a small amount legal, but a larger amount not ? 
Why is a substance banned or controlled ?  Is it not for the safety and well being of the population ? At the very least that is the premise, is it not ? These substances pose a significant danger to the public. That being the case, how is a small amount less dangerous than a large amount. Certainly with chemicals and nuclear devices large quantities pose an increased threat, but marijuana ? What makes having an ounce more acceptable than having a pound ? Consuming an ounce of marijuana will definitely render you incapable of consuming any more, at least for that day. Having a pound available will not increase the risk.
A portion of the reasoning here in Maryland for this legalization is the crowding of the jails. We have too many people being arrested and sentenced for breaking the law. Currently possession of Marijuana can lead to jail time. The solution to this overcrowding ? Legalize the marijuana. There are a lot of other laws that are being broken as well. They are contributing to this overcrowding as well. Maybe we should just legalize more of those activities and free up more jail space. Just put the criminals on the streets. Make sense ?
The real reason for this of course is revenue. The state is eyeing this as a possible revenue stream. We already have legalized gambling. Oh, excuse me it is called Gaming these days so as not to infer any criminal activity. The state wants the money and for that reason the state must regulate it. Just as the states do with cigarettes,alcohol and gambling. State sponsored activities that are only marginally criminal. Play by their rules and it's cool. Outside of that it is criminal.
As to whether or not it should be legalized, I really don't care. It is just the hypocrisy in all of this that I find disturbing. Since I was a child the government has warned us of the dangers of tobacco and alcohol use. In the sixties, the campaigns began about drug use,especially the use of marijuana. The government went to extremes to show the dangers. The government even lied to us about it. There are still studies going on today to show the degenerative effects of continued use of marijuana. We all know what a " stoner " is. I can not see it being a betterment to society. And now the government is telling us, a little bit is alright. As long as the government gets a cut of the action that is.
We all, and that includes the government, like to justify our vices. We decriminalize them, make them a part of social custom and even praise them. All in a misguided attempt to justify what we all know to be harmful to us and to society in general. Man has done so since the beginning ( original sin ) and will continue in this practice. Still doesn't make it more or less right. The choice is still ours however. And I suppose that is the bottom line, more or less.

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