Sunday, March 17, 2013

Caught in the current

Caught in the current of life. That is, what I think happens to a lot of us. We just get caught up in the current  and a change of direction becomes very difficult. Sometimes that change is impossible. To oppose the current requires a great deal of effort. It is a tiring endeavour. There are others in the raft with us that just want to go with the flow. It can be a rough ride.
To find yourself just drifting along can be disheartening. It is a basic human desire to control our direction. Some of us struggle mightily while others barely put the oar in the water. The balance between the two extremes can be challenging. On one hand you can believe that there is a preordained destiny for your life, while conversely, there are those that feel the opposite. It is up to you to choose your path. To chart the course yourself.
On any journey one is likely to encounter a storm or two. The sea of life does not always remain calm. During those times we all seek safe harbor. And where is your harbor ? Is it in your faith or the company you keep ? Some take refuge in alcohol or drugs, those are the misguided. Others take solace in their work and some do nothing at all.
In order to know your direction, you must know the destination. Where is it you want to go ? That is the biggest question in life. To be able to answer that question with confidence is the greatest joy. Is that not the purpose of faith ? To desire that final destination. To be willing to buck the current,tide or winds to get there. To be absolutely certain of the existence of that place ? Has not man done so since the beginning of time ?
All the explorers felt that desire. All felt that confidence. Straying from the course is uncomfortable and troubling to us all. Set your course, seek shelter when necessary but always move toward the destination. Don't get caught up in the current of life. I believe we control our destination. The journey may not be easy but all things of value require effort.

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