Monday, March 4, 2013

Grand parenting

Being a Grandparent. I think too many of us have failed to fully understand the word or the role. Yes, we're grand, but the operative word is parent. When we become grandparents we must again resume the role of parent. The grand parent. Grandchildren are not an inconvenience or someone else's responsibility. They are ours.
The old adage it takes a village to raise a child holds much truth. It takes grandparents as well. Being a grandparent carries much responsibility. We are the buffer zone between the children and their parents. A delicate balance between interfering and offering advice requires the skills of age and wisdom. Our love has been tempered with restraint. Grandparents posses patience, not a strong point with the young. And patience is required.
When I see grandparents that do not want to parent, I feel a sadness for them. Whether they realize it or not they are missing out on so much. They are also shirking their obligations. I can only think of them as being self centered. I have even seen some ads on TV about it being " our time. " Time is possessed by no man but is a gift. To waste that gift is a tragic mistake. Not sharing that time with your descendants is the biggest mistake of all. Your legacy resides within their minds and memories. I, for one, want to keep an eye on that.
I admit to having some ulterior motives as well. I don't want to be alone in my advancing years. By embracing those children now, it is my hope they will embrace me right back. A true bond takes years to form. A bond cannot be formed with Christmas gifts and feigned affection. No, a bond can only be truly formed with love,respect and understanding. You must share your life.
As I watch the grandchildren grow, it gives me comfort. It is reassuring and comforting to know that time and tradition are moving forward. Is it not our task to move mankind forward ? To leave this world a better place for having been in it ? We all want to see the fruit of our labors. Grandchildren are that fruit. Don't spoil the fruit, rather nourish and care for it.
It is my desire to have a continuing conversation with my grandchildren. I want to share whatever insight and advice I may have accumulated over the years. Each day is a new opportunity. What better words could be spoken than to have it said, he was a Grand Parent. Unless it can be said, he was a Great Grand Parent !

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