Saturday, March 2, 2013

Learning the game

The activities of those around us effect each of us differently. Never being much of a bystander, I'm usually involved in some fashion. Now my grandson Mark has signed up to play Lacrosse. His parents purchased all the necessary equipment, you don't want to know, and our first practice is today. It is a day of anticipation and a little apprehension. I will be watching,along with Grandma, from the sidelines. It is a little cold but we're taking blankets and dressing warm ! Old folks do that stuff.
I have never played Lacrosse and know very little of the sport. I have heard of it but haven't known any players either. And so now,at the age of 59, I find myself learning to play the game. I was outside yesterday evening with Mark. He has two sticks (crosses) and we began by throwing the ball to one another. I did look up the proper technique to use on the internet. I also learned how to scoop the ball up while running.
In a fairly short time we both began to get the hang of it. Seems like a fun game. Judging by the amount of pads and protective equipment he is required to wear, it is also a rough one. I'm thinking I'll avoid that portion of the game. I'll stay with the old adage, those that can't play, coach. I'll be doing a lot of reading about this game of Lacrosse.
Times do change. When I was his age baseball and football were king. Now it is more soccer and Lacrosse. Mark really enjoys soccer. He is the goalie whenever possible. In this game of Lacrosse we have no idea what position he will be playing or which one he will even like. The goal tender spot appears to be quite a bit different than in soccer. I have to study up on this.
They say that grand-kids keep you young. At least they keep you active ! I'll bet it is a sight to see a man of my age running around with a Lacrosse stick playing ball. I will say in my minds eye I still got the moves, but video would probably reveal a different picture altogether. I will say it also saves me on gym fees. Get plenty of exercise with those kids. You might say they contribute to my health plan. I do want the kids to be able to tell their children about Grandpa playing ball with them. I want them to stick around and play with Grandpa. Kids grow fast and want to move on. I figure as long as I can chase after them, they don't have a choice ! I wanna play too ! I never imagined I would be learning a new sport at this point in my life, but why not ? Contrary to popular belief, you can teach old dogs new tricks !  

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