Monday, March 18, 2013

New Tech

I have heard of some technology where all you do is speak and the computer types. My sister says she has it on an I-Pad. It does make errors so proof reading is mandatory. I have mixed emotions about this stuff. It sounds a bit creepy. Very Star Trek. I seem to remember Scotty, from that show, when confronted with a computer requiring a keyboard as thinking it was quaint. I remember thinking also, if he was so used to not using a keyboard, how was it he could type that quickly ? Intelligence has little to do with typing speed.
My immediate thought was I could do these postings just by speaking. I'm betting they would sound quite a bit different. At least the sentence structure and vocabulary would be different. For whatever reason, I write differently than I speak. Subconsciously maybe I think I sound a little smarter using a different speech pattern and choosing the five dollar words. We are all prone to vanity in some form or another and I am certainly no exception.
I'll have to explore this new technology. For instance, what happens with the background noise ? Will the computer start typing what other people are saying to me or to each other in the room ? What about the television ? Or can it discern one from another ? Does it recognize my voice ? Along those same lines I have heard of Ocular tracking technology. The pages scroll as your eyes move down the page. But what happens if you are crossed eyed or have a lazy eye ?
I do think this new typing technology may lead to lengthier writings. A great deal of the time my own writings are cut short because of the typing required. I am not a very proficient typist, and if I wish to finish it, it's best to keep it brief. When speaking I also have a tendency to just ramble on and on. Typing my thoughts lends itself to better focus. Also, it is my observation that you can lose a persons interest quickly if the text becomes too lengthy.
I do think it is a wonderful thing for those that may have a handicap of some type. To be able to use the computer and express yourself is a good thing. Stephen Hawking has been doing just that for a number of years now. Imagine what would have been lost had he been unable to communicate his thoughts ? The thoughts of the everyday man are no less important.
I wonder how prevalent this technology will become ? I wonder how long it will take ? As with most things new, the cost, along with the physical size of the equipment, will be the deciding factors. I am not opposed to new technology but I hesitate to embrace it as well. That comes with age though. As we age we are less likely to latch on to new tech. The old stuff works just fine. It is good,however, to keep an eye on what the kids are doing these days. To grow old is inevitable but that doesn't mean change is always bad. There have been some improvements over the years. I do recall the " DOS " system. I recall the green screens with the white lettering and the first appearance of the mouse. Yeah, some improvements have been achieved. I do think talking to a computer would take some getting used to. I'm thinking mine would start an argument ! It doesn't always comply with my wishes.

1 comment:

  1. "A light(e)ning bolt of sheer nonsense has struck. .......... Justice for all is the law of the land. Too bad there isn't a court of common sense. There should be a court for these " special kind of cases " to tried in. They certainly must be some " special " people to think this stuff up. " - Ben Reichart

    I almost stopped right there; what a phrase !!! I have seen what I thought was a lightning strike of sheer "stupidity" occur but probably you have it right; nonsense is more common; it takes some effort for stupidity (imho). You have a talent for words. I read the essay but I couldn't figure out if I were 'fer' or 'agin' your perspective. I agree there is a ton of nonsense going on. My daughter got mad that I got mad at her about my having my fill of "enough (her) nonsense". We can have a lot of it around here sometimes; I have a low tolerance. In the case of the hot soup there is alot left out of the story. Six hundered kids over the whole USA over a year (ten years) ??? It really isn't that much. The design of the cup is made for the manufacturer not the consumer. If the soup is one marketed especially for kids I might think there is a responisbilty to think it through and make sure that the cup is stable; what about old folks having a cup of soup; you figure everyone is smart enough to pour it out of the ready made container; they make it for convenience but do they make it safe ????

    Justice is the issue; as long as they get a day in court and the courts and system is honest these cases should get sorted out; those injured should be made whole and those scamming the system sent packing; courts and lawyers are for sorting out and dealing with nonsense.

    A court of common sense ( would there be many people convicted of actually having "common sense"; would there be enough evidence to convict them; would it be a jury trial - of peers with equivalent common sense ??? .... oh, the questions that might arise thinking up stuff !!!!
