Sunday, March 3, 2013


Like most everyone in the country I have heard of this sequester. I knew about sequestering a jury but had not heard the word used in any other context. Off to Google. Sequester also means to seize another's property to satisfy a debt, or seize property from the enemy. In more direct language, to just take whatever it is you need.
The government decided upon the items in the sequester a while back. Seems as though they chose Government jobs, programs affecting the elderly, and the children. Those items were supposed to scare all the lawmakers : IE the congress and the house into action to prevent the sequester. Well we know it didn't work. Still no real progress on reducing the debt. The result is the american public is being sequestered. The government is seizing the assets of its' workers ( furlough days) Homeland security is being effected and cuts to the military budget will effect training and readiness. That's what the news says anyway. But, not for a while.
This sequester is supposed to reduce the budget by 20%. Interesting the items chosen for sequestration don't you think. The government has no other programs to cut other than the most vital ones ? How about cutting foreign aid, grants, gifts and emptying the pork barrel first ! Oh, can't do that might lose a vote here and there. Could upset someone. The admitted logic was to scare everyone into action and that is the real reason those items were chosen. Like a spoiled child breaking his only toy before sharing it with another. Or as Mom would say, cut their nose off to spite their face !
I blame no one party or group for this mess. They are all equally accountable. I do agree that just raising taxes is not the solution. I do agree cuts have to be made. I do feel like this sequester is more of a bullying tactic than anything else. And this in the time of the anti-bullying campaigns ! Shame on you Congress,Senate and Mr. President.
I will say this, I'm betting we could find a 20% reduction in government spending,enact it, and less than 1% of the people in this country would'nt even know about it. All the funds spent on studies,grants,and downright give aways ! I'm betting if the house and senate had their pay sequestered until they reached an agreement we would see some action, pronto ! How about that ? The executive branch too !

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