Sunday, March 31, 2013

New clothes and candy

In yesterdays posting I spoke of keeping traditions. I got to thinking about those traditions and just why they were. The number one tradition was getting a new set of clothes to go to church with. Yes, back when I was young we got dressed for Church. That was the command from Mother, get dressed for Church. Being properly attired for church was a prerequisite to salvation ! You weren't going to church unless you were dressed in an appropriate fashion, and no church meant no hope for you !
Now we didn't get new clothes very often. No where near the amount of clothing we buy today. New clothes for school and Easter. Yeah, we got a few for Christmas or on our birthdays but we didn't like it much. Seems like clothes just weren't as important to us kids as the kids of today. We had two kinds of clothes, good ones and play ones. Those iron on patches for jeans played an important role. But on Easter Sunday you dressed up in your new finery and proudly went off to church. The men in three piece suits and the ladies in dresses. The ladies all wore white gloves and Easter bonnetts. Following the service most stood about on the lawn getting their pictures taken. It seemed to me even the Reverend had on a new robe ! It was Easter and all is new again. The symbolism was lost on us children but became apparent over time.
Naturally the Easter bunny came to our house every year. Our baskets would be full of wonderful candy and dyed eggs. We usually got a rather large chocolate rabbit. That was my favorite. Solid or hollow didn't matter but I just loved those bunnies. I think the candy was a sort of consolation prize for having to get all dressed up later in the day. Why Mom would barely let you move in those new clothes. Sit up straight, you are wrinkling your clothes, no candy in your new clothes, no running in your new clothes, be careful, don't spill anything on your new clothes. It just went on and on. After that, I needed a candy fix ! Believe me, I changed clothes as soon as I could. Sometimes an Aunt or somebody would come to Easter dinner and you had to stay dressed. Oh man. Well at least it was going to be ham, spaghetti would have been a disaster.
I didn't care for baked beans back then so I avoided that hazard. I do recall biting into one of those cloves Mom would stick in that ham. Awful ! Just awful ! The pineapple was tolerable but don't ever bite a clove !
New clothes and a lot of candy. When I was a child that it what Easter was. Oh, I was well aware of Jesus being resurrected. I knew the story well and in my own childhood way was glad for it. I think on some level I thought that must be what heaven would be like. New clothes and lots of candy. Angels were always wearing bright white robes and they were never dirty. Must be in heaven you can play in your good clothes and they will not get dirty at all. Surely Jesus would let you play all you wanted without having to change. And I'm betting you could have candy for supper if that is what you wanted.
Those traditions make for comforting memories.

My sister Millie and I Easter 1961

Saturday, March 30, 2013


I often hear my contemporaries complain about how things aren't like they used to be. This is especially true during any holiday. I hear a lot of , when I was a kid, we did this or that. I hear about the loss of certain traditions or customs. That is usually followed by, I don't know why this is, or I don't know what happened. Well, the answer is simple really. It is because you allowed those traditions or customs to die. You ignored them because either they became inconvenient or they were no longer " cool " enough. That is how that happens. I am not excluding myself from that, I'm just as guilty as anyone else. I, along with everyone else, make a hundred excuses or reasons for this. We don't have the time, it costs too much or the old standby, nobody does that anymore. That last one is a doozy, isn't it ? No one does that anymore so I won't either. Then I can complain about no one doing that anymore.
I will admit it is difficult to maintain a tradition alone. Is it still a tradition if only a few do it ? Customarily they would be practiced by [sic] the majority of the local population at the very least. New traditions replace the old. At what point does something become a tradition ? I think it is very difficult to recognize a tradition in its' infancy. It would seem to me that our " modern " world is less susceptible to traditions. There is more of a trend toward transitory behaviors. We adopt a practice for a short time then move on to another rather quickly. Either that or we extend a current trend. IE: The wearing of ribbons to show our support for causes. Funny how it stated out with a song. " Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree " Now there are ribbons in every color for every cause. Is this going to evolve into a tradition ? Could be. Traditionally we wore a poppy on Memorial day to remember the fallen. This practice is still followed somewhat, but is quickly fading away.
I will say this however, I expose my Grandchildren to these old holiday traditions. It is Easter, so they will each receive a new set of clothes. The girls getting their Easter dresses and Mark a new pair of dress slacks and a shirt. I was the recipient of such when I was a child and the tradition continues. Funny, I don't remember doing it for my own children though. You see, I didn't realize the value of those traditions until later in life. I do wonder what tradition or customs I have passed to them. Only time holds that answer.
Today we will dye some eggs and prepare the Easter baskets. Time to cook the ham.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Sole Responsibility

I keep hearing on the news about that Holmes guy. He is the one that shot all those people in the movie theater. He is trying to make a deal with the prosecutor. He will accept life in prison in exchange for not receiving the death penalty. The prosecution has not decided to even seek the death penalty. There is much talk of him having mental health issues and they are not sure he will even be proven guilty. He may be confined to a mental hospital.
My first reaction was, those in the theater did not get a chance to make a deal ! A dozen lives lost and I don't know how many wounded. He never gave any of those people a choice.
Secondly I thought, how could it be taking this long to even bring this to trial ? Is there any doubt about his guilt ? No, there is not. The only thing in question is, why ? Is this person sane ? No. No sane man or woman would commit such an act.
This trial is only for one purpose. To decide his fate. And now this person wants to control or at the very least influence that. I don't think so ! I would not make a deal with this, the most undeserving of people, for anything. He is certainly aware of death ! Obviously he fears death, as well he should, but that is another matter. To offer him the comfort of knowing he will not be put to death is unacceptable to me. To spare his life is to offer him hope. The hope that someday he could be free again. I would not give him that hope.
I will agree that those thoughts are a bit less than Christian. I will accept that, but it still doesn't change my mind. I believe this person is not sane, but sane enough. Sane enough to plan this massacre. Sane enough to carry it out and then seek mercy. In my eyes he was sane enough to plan his own demise. Just as he denied life to those in that theater I would deny him life as well. I offer no justification or rationalization for carrying out this sentence. It is a sentence written by himself ! I will not feel guilt for his actions, nor will I feel guilt for his death. He, and he alone, is responsible for both.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Addicted to Health Care

It appears to me that a lot of people are getting addicted to health care. It is not that they are hypochondriacs, just getting an addiction to seeking medical attention. I see it every day. I have a headache, I'm going to the doctor. Fever,chills,stubbing your toe and the common cold all candidates for expert medical attention. What happened to chicken soup, ginger ale, iodine and Mercurochrome ? That pretty much got me through until I was 20 or so. Then my appendix exploded. Needed a doctor for that one. And it wasn't because I stayed perfectly healthy and had no accidents or ailments. The necessity for medical care was reserved for those times when you,well, needed medical attention.
Is it any wonder the cost of health care has skyrocketed ? With all these people presenting themselves to doctors I would take advantage of that boom in business as well. If I didn't do anything else I would run a battery of tests, no matter how remote the possibility of actually finding anything, prescribe something and tell you to come back. Sounds like a sound business plan to me. Along with that, maybe I should just run a bunch of ads about possible ailments and symptoms, that ought to get a few more in.
I am not opposed to an annual check up, seems reasonable. Going to the doctor is not preventative medicine however. You should go to the doctor when there is something that requires attention. Preventative measures include eating right,exercise ( actually working is good exercise) and getting a good nights rest. We are all very much aware of the things that make us feel bad.
We are all prone to aches and pains. Bumps and bruises occur. Colds happen. If you start running to the doctor for each little ache or pain those aches and pains will soon become worse. Best thing is to just work through it. We are becoming weak. I say get over it and just move on. Good Grief people.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Getting to know you

Working in retail you get to know your customers. I should qualify that statement by saying you become aware of certain customers. You may exchange pleasantries with them, but not really get to know them. Among the other employees, and in confidence, you may attach a label describing that person. We have several customers in that category. Some of the names we have assigned to them are not very flattering, but apt descriptions none the less. The individual is immediately identifiable. Some are described by appearance and some by their habits. None of this is done in a mean spirited way. It is just a diversion from the everyday challenges of dealing with the public. If you have ever worked retail you understand completely and if not,well, let's just say the customer is not always right ! It is just that you can't tell them that.
One of the more fascinating customers was in the store today. I call her the note book shopper. A rather demure young lady, I'd say late twenties, always accompanied by her daughter. Speculation is that she must home school her daughter, as the daughter is about 8 or so. The child appears to have no disabilities of any kind. This speculation is a part of the allure. The one thing that stands out about her is the carrying of her note book. It is a three binder, complete with the dividers just like the ones we carried in high school. She will have this binder open and resting on the handle of the shopping cart. As she carefully selects each item she checks it off in her binder. I once got a glimpse of this note book. The page was neatly labeled " Monday". Underneath, it was divided into breakfast,lunch and dinner. Each category was further subdivided by the food items required for that meal. At the bottom of the page was a snack section and a block for total cost. It was amazing. I can only speculate about the other pages hidden behind the dividers. The rest of the week surely must be there. Somewhere in there I suspect you would find the the food pyramid. What of holidays and special occasions ? Where there sections for that as well ? Call it nosy if you will, but my interest is piqued.
When I was in the ninth grade I took home economics. I remember having to prepare a menu for the week. We had to balance our budget with eating well balanced meals. Meal planning was important,at least in 1969 it was. I frequently find discarded shopping lists but never have I found anything on this order. Surely she must posses a PhD in household management. You can't help but admire her organizational skill.
I have only spoken once to this lady, a friendly hello, in passing. She looked up from her notebook and responded, barely audible, in kind. Her eyes had a frightened look, or one of intense concentration, I can not decide.
The note book shopper is a curiosity. I prefer to leave it that way. Whenever I see her I am filled with speculation. Either her life is very regimented and boring or she is a secret shopper. Is she an agent of the competition ? Is she in fact compiling pricing trends ? The little girl may just be a diversion.
 Now this other customer, the "Troll " that's another story altogether. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Semantics once again

The supreme court is listening to arguments regarding same sex marriage. I have written about this before but feel compelled to speak once more. It is a fundamental question as far as I am concerned. Much is said about the separation of Church and State. I hear the " scholars " refer to that provision in our Constitution frequently in defense of their arguments. I myself have stated that I felt the United States was a Christian nation and been sternly corrected that we are not ! The state does not sponsor any religious view or denomination. Okay, point taken. Now we are asking the Supreme Court of the United States to rule upon a religious matter. How can this be ? The definition of marriage is a religious matter,is it not ?
It is not a ruling on legality. The " acceptance " of such a definition is a moral judgement. What is being ruled upon is whether the federal government will extend benefits to those that wish to " marry " the same sex. A matter of semantics really.
I will state that not even the Supreme Court will change my definition of marriage. No matter what those learned lawyers have to say, my opinion, will remain unchanged. As I have said in previous blogs if they wish to establish civil unions or mutual agreements of understanding in place of, but equal to marriage,so be it. The bottom line is it is not a marriage in my eyes. And the government cannot legislate it to be so. The Supreme Court could rule that the sky is pink but it will still be blue.
The major issue with me is this trying to force me to accept a fundamental change in definition. Why ? No amount of legislation will change my moral values or beliefs. I can not be forced to accept that. Why the insistence on the use of the term marriage?  By calling it a marriage it is not legitimizing this aberration in behavior. I do not condone persecuting these individuals in any fashion. I do not hate those that choose this lifestyle. I do not oppose extending the same financial rewards to those entering a union. I do oppose redefining such as a marriage.
I defend my position of hanging onto the definition of marriage as between a man and a women. Religious and social custom has always dictated so. The meaning is clear. A redefining of that is a redefining of history itself. Should the Supreme Court rule on the definition of God ?
The court should only be ruling upon the withholding of benefits citizens are legally entitled to ! To rule on just changing the definition of marriage to legitimize an otherwise illegal union is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. In my opinion the response must be, Marriage is between a man and a women. Other lawful unions may be recognized by the government. That is what we should be voting upon, not a definition that is well established.
 To put it another way. Can I just declare my home a Church and gain tax exempt status ? Define a church ? And if I can, is it then retroactive ? I should receive a refund on any taxes paid. If the supreme court has the power to change the definition of words, anything is possible. We do require standards. Marriage is a standard well defined.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Love and Responsibility

I was thinking about how things change over time. When I was growing up family members saying " I love you " to one another was a rare occurrence. Normally that only happened in extreme situations such as serious injuries or maybe you were going away for an extended period of time. A male member of the family never said that to another male member ! A firm handshake was about as close as you came. There wasn't a lot of hugging and touching going on. It wasn't that there was a lack of love or affection, it just wasn't displayed as freely or openly as in today's world. I realize I can only speak from my perspective and yours may have been a different experience.
With my grandchildren it is the polar opposite. There are lots of I love yous' and hugging going on around here. No thought is given to any other way. The kids and Grandpa are as comfortable saying I love you to one another as an old couch. I would not hesitate a second to hold them, or take their hand as the mood struck me. It is this familiarity that raises a question. Do you think something can be repeated so often as to become insincere? That it becomes a reflex action or response ?
As a child, and to a lesser degree an adult, I was suspicious of anyone using those terms freely. Having not been subject to such displays of affection in my own home, others doing so made me feel a bit uncomfortable. I was confused as to how to react. Saying, I love you, was especially reserved. I was taught to not say that unless it was genuine and sincere. At least that was what I felt, whether that lesson was actually being taught or not.
I'm thinking this was all a part of the times and social attitudes. Men were supposed to be men and women ,women. Men were strong, stoic and determined. Women were prone to wearing their hearts on their sleeves and dependent upon their men. Although with the women that description was ambiguous. They could also be strong and as stoic as any man depending upon the situation. The roles are a bit more blurred today. One need only listen to the news to know that.
I do wonder if this new social attitude is a good thing. I'm wondering if it isn't somehow weakening our resolve. It is okay to just quit nowadays. It is okay for a man to show his emotions and act in an emotional manner. I would not advocate for a return to the old ways. There were injustices back then that needed rectified. I am just concerned that the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction. And what,you may ask, has this to do with me saying "I Love You to the grandchildren ?" I'm not really sure I can answer that question. It is more feeling than action. I am concerned for them. I want them to live a long and happy life. They need be prepared. Experiencing only love and acceptance is doing them an injustice. They must learn of disappointment, failure, and that there are those in this world that just don't like you. They should learn to be aware or to be wary. But perhaps that is not the role of the grandparent. Could be I'm just over thinking the whole deal. It is just having so much influence over these children is a big responsibility. I am acutely aware of that and tread lightly. That is probably why having children is for the young. Us senior people tend to dwell upon responsibility and the younger people just go with the flow. It is just the way it should be. The love for your grand children is a different love from all others. It is love with less responsibility. No,it's not ! What was I thinking ? Love and responsibility go hand in hand. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013


I felt a touch of shame this morning. Grabbing my coffee and settling behind the keyboard I fired up that computer. Good morning Facebook. A quick scroll down the page and I realize that today is Palm Sunday. That is where that touch of shame comes in. There was a time when I would have been acutely aware of this and anticipating its' arrival. How is it possible I could have forgotten altogether. I know how it is possible, but don't want to admit to that either. If I was attending church services,as I should be, on a regular basis I most certainly would have known. Shame on me.
I wrote about attending church some time back. I have not found a church I really feel at home in here in Greensboro. I haven't really attended many at all, so I take the responsibility for that. There is no Episcopal church in town, or even close by for that matter. It is not that I dislike those services I have attended in other peoples houses of worship, it is just not home. There are a few practices that I am not comfortable with. Again, not that anyone else's form of worship is wrong, just so far, wrong for me. It is a difficult feeling to describe. I don't want to come off as what Mom would call, "sanctimonious" but some of that ceremony I expect in a church service is missing. I think it is a matter of ritual and practice.
I also think that I am more of a" publicly private person." What I mean to say is,  I think faith is more of a private conversation with your God, than a public display of that belief. It is only right we should assemble in his name. To me, my faith is implied by my attendance.
I am also aware that all of this philosophizing may just be an excuse. Reasons for not attending. Going to church services is not always convenient. I had gotten out of the habit and now find it hard to return. Much like a lot of other things, the experience is not the same as we remember. That is a convenient excuse. One needs to repeat the experience on a regular basis in order to develop the habit. An awareness of this is a beginning.      

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Something New

Today will be a first ! Today number 27, Mark Reichart will play in his very first official Lacrosse game. We have to travel a distance of about thirty miles to get there. We will be leaving early, as the game is scheduled for 8am. No one told me Lacrosse had to be played at first light. The air is brisk and biting. We are expecting gusty winds. Grandma and Grandpa will be dressing warmly and taking extra blankets along.
This will be a first for us as well. I have never been to a Lacrosse game before. Or is it a match ? I'm not up on the terminology of the game. I also know little of the rules involved. I am looking forward to this experience. I'm sure there will a lot of hollering goin' on from my part. I do know you don't have to know anything about the game or rules to do that. Been to plenty of baseball games and soccer games to have learned that. Parents and Grandparents don't need to be bothered with those details ! Their grandsons or granddaughters are always being treated unjustly. Believe me, I'll let the officials know my opinion. Well at least until my wife tells me to be quiet. LOL
Because of the distance traveled our team will be playing two games today. So today will also be a second. I hope for a good clean contest. I also would like the game to be competitive. Lacrosse is fairly new to Caroline County, so our teams are less experienced. We are playing teams from a neighboring county that have had the program longer. I just hope the contest isn't too lopsided.


Friday, March 22, 2013


Our government is making some of us paranoid. The government is requiring dates be put on canned goods and other food items. On the surface this may seem like a good idea but in actuality it is insidious. I watch people carefully studying these dates and returning product to the shelves. Most of these dates say, " best if used by " but everyone interrupts that as," it is bad by." This is leading to paranoia. The dates are within a year, should I purchase this or dig into the back portions of the shelf and search for a date further out ? Will I really eat this can of peas within the next year ? This reaction is really bad in the milk department. I often have requests for dates further out. This gallon of milk is best if used by, insert date, and that is only a week away. I'm not sure I will use it all by then. Ever consider buying a smaller amount ? And the milk will not automatically spoil on that date.
I have wondered just how they arrive at those dates. The best if used by is particularly puzzling. It is someones job to taste these products daily and record the results ? Canned goods may have a date exceeding two years. Did someone eat a can of beans every day for a longer period of time and then determine it was best at the two year mark ? At twenty six months it was not so good ? Just how long does this testing go on ?
Another point of interest to me is the stability of these food items. Just what is in them to make their shelf life so long ? I'm more concerned with the preservatives being used than eating a spoiled product. I'm sure I would know the product tastes bad, but they are pretty clever at masking those preservatives. I don't want to add to the paranoia but I'm just sayin'.
And one more point. What is up with all this turkey stuff ? Turkey bacon ? Really ? A turkey doesn't have an oink. Turkey burgers ? Turkeys don't say moo. Turkey sausage. And just what is it you are putting in that turkey to imitate those tastes ? Now that makes me paranoid. When is that product the best ? Probably before those additives where put in there to make it taste like something else.
All these dates and warnings are causing paranoia. I see it every day. I do wonder why there is a date on the Strawberry preserves. Aren't they preserved ? And the pickles,aren't they pickled ? Well the government knows what is best and what date that falls on. I guess I should just trust in my government. Now I really am paranoid !

Thursday, March 21, 2013

More or Less

Can things be more or less criminal ? Apparently they can. There is a movement afoot here in the state of Maryland to legalize the possession and use of certain quantities of Marijuana. I'm aware several other states have already done so, but that is not my point. Possessing more than a specified amount would be a criminal offense. So it would be more or less criminal. I understand fully the concept of degrees of criminality. The severity of the infraction should be reflected in the punitive stage. The part I'm getting confused about is why is a small amount legal, but a larger amount not ? 
Why is a substance banned or controlled ?  Is it not for the safety and well being of the population ? At the very least that is the premise, is it not ? These substances pose a significant danger to the public. That being the case, how is a small amount less dangerous than a large amount. Certainly with chemicals and nuclear devices large quantities pose an increased threat, but marijuana ? What makes having an ounce more acceptable than having a pound ? Consuming an ounce of marijuana will definitely render you incapable of consuming any more, at least for that day. Having a pound available will not increase the risk.
A portion of the reasoning here in Maryland for this legalization is the crowding of the jails. We have too many people being arrested and sentenced for breaking the law. Currently possession of Marijuana can lead to jail time. The solution to this overcrowding ? Legalize the marijuana. There are a lot of other laws that are being broken as well. They are contributing to this overcrowding as well. Maybe we should just legalize more of those activities and free up more jail space. Just put the criminals on the streets. Make sense ?
The real reason for this of course is revenue. The state is eyeing this as a possible revenue stream. We already have legalized gambling. Oh, excuse me it is called Gaming these days so as not to infer any criminal activity. The state wants the money and for that reason the state must regulate it. Just as the states do with cigarettes,alcohol and gambling. State sponsored activities that are only marginally criminal. Play by their rules and it's cool. Outside of that it is criminal.
As to whether or not it should be legalized, I really don't care. It is just the hypocrisy in all of this that I find disturbing. Since I was a child the government has warned us of the dangers of tobacco and alcohol use. In the sixties, the campaigns began about drug use,especially the use of marijuana. The government went to extremes to show the dangers. The government even lied to us about it. There are still studies going on today to show the degenerative effects of continued use of marijuana. We all know what a " stoner " is. I can not see it being a betterment to society. And now the government is telling us, a little bit is alright. As long as the government gets a cut of the action that is.
We all, and that includes the government, like to justify our vices. We decriminalize them, make them a part of social custom and even praise them. All in a misguided attempt to justify what we all know to be harmful to us and to society in general. Man has done so since the beginning ( original sin ) and will continue in this practice. Still doesn't make it more or less right. The choice is still ours however. And I suppose that is the bottom line, more or less.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Do Something

I suppose coming from a rural background and having been raised by hard working, middle classed folks, I could be considered among the simple country folk. We were just a little back woods compared to them folks from New York City with their high faluting ways and educations. Why we did little research and analysis on everyday problems, we just boiled the thing down to the basics. Took it down to the brass tacks,as the saying goes. Chewed on it, like a dog on a bone. Then we just up and said what we thought. Simple as that. Wasn't always the right answer, but you got an answer. It just seems to me like no one wants to answer the question anymore. Now it is all discussion,focus groups and let's consult a professional.
These old country ways of mine have been a cause of some problems. People sometimes misunderstand my answers as opinions or statements of facts. Isn't always the case. It is just my thoughts on the matter at that time. My mind is subject to change. There are no absolutes. A lot depends upon the subject. Praise for someone or something should come easily, but condemnation needs careful consideration. It is never wise to rush to either, but I would rather err on the side of praise. Momma always said, " if you don't have anything nice to say,don't say anything at all. " That's some of that country wisdom.
I hear a lot of people talking nowadays, but saying very little. Most of the time they are telling me how much they understand and sympathize with everyone else. No matter the social group or class, they are sensitive to their feelings. The thing is, I don't want to hear your reasoning, I want to hear your answer. Two different things. It makes little difference to me how you arrived at your decision, I want the answer. I will deal with the consequences of that answer when I hear it.
To sum it up what we need is this. We need those making the decisions to decide. To just flat out state their answer without regard for popularity or political correctness. That would go a long way to settling some of the pressing issues of today. The politicians, no matter how much you may despise them, are in those offices for one purpose. To propose answers and solutions to the everyday problems we encounter. I want to hear what those proposals and solutions are. No ifs' ands' or buts' about it. State your intention clearly and I will then vote upon that. Maybe I don't like it. Maybe I will not vote you into office for a second term. Please give me something to vote upon at the very least. A little less talk and a lot more action. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Dangerous Designs

OMG ! It has happened again. A lightening bolt of sheer nonsense has struck. Listening to the morning news I hear of another lawsuit. Children are being burned,at the rate of an estimated 600 a year, by hot soup ! Not just any shot soup though, it is those instant cup a soups that are causing all this carnage. The manufacturers should be held accountable for these accidents. No, we can't call them accidents because they are avoidable. The engineers have failed to consider all the possibilities and the design currently in use is flawed. The base of the cup is smaller in diameter than the rim. This design is inherently unstable when tipped from a horizontal plane. I know that is true because they had an engineer on the news to explain that concept to me, the unsuspecting public. Oh what a devious plan by those manufacturers.
The parent or legal guardian can not be expected to have a degree in engineering. As a result they unwittingly fill these unstable vessels with boiling water and sit them before the children. The children,also unaware of this design flaw, tip the cup over and get burned by the hot liquid. Clearly this is the fault of the manufacturer.  The engineer on the news even demonstrated how this could be avoided. Make the container in the shape of a casserole dish. The wide base coupled with a low profile adds stability. As for the possibility the container may slide of the edge of the table, that aspect wasn't addressed but I suspect the table design would be at fault. When I was in the Navy we had sides we could raise on the table edge to keep things from sliding off. The dishes stayed on the table but sadly the liquid contents did not.
I have been aware of this problem for some time. That's why I drink my coffee out of a mug instead of a cup. Those mugs don't tip as easy as those ill designed cups. I expect that is why saucers were invented. Of course they didn't get those right either,they should be at least three times the height of the cup in diameter and able to hold the contents of the cup. Saucers currently do little more than prevent rings on the tabletop.
There are other possibilities however. Maybe the parent or legal guardian should pour the hot soup into a bowl before giving it to the child. Maybe the parent or legal guardian should ensure the product is not at a temperature that will cause serious burns before giving it to the child. Maybe, just maybe, the parent or legal guardian should SUPERVISE the child. Those are just a few of the possibilities.
I can not help but laugh and shake my head. To do anything else is fruitless. As long as attorneys are willing to file these suits it will continue. In their defense they are acting within the bounds of the law. Justice for all is the law of the land. Too bad there isn't a court of common sense. There should be a court for these " special kind of cases " to tried in. They certainly must be some " special " people to think this stuff up. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

New Tech

I have heard of some technology where all you do is speak and the computer types. My sister says she has it on an I-Pad. It does make errors so proof reading is mandatory. I have mixed emotions about this stuff. It sounds a bit creepy. Very Star Trek. I seem to remember Scotty, from that show, when confronted with a computer requiring a keyboard as thinking it was quaint. I remember thinking also, if he was so used to not using a keyboard, how was it he could type that quickly ? Intelligence has little to do with typing speed.
My immediate thought was I could do these postings just by speaking. I'm betting they would sound quite a bit different. At least the sentence structure and vocabulary would be different. For whatever reason, I write differently than I speak. Subconsciously maybe I think I sound a little smarter using a different speech pattern and choosing the five dollar words. We are all prone to vanity in some form or another and I am certainly no exception.
I'll have to explore this new technology. For instance, what happens with the background noise ? Will the computer start typing what other people are saying to me or to each other in the room ? What about the television ? Or can it discern one from another ? Does it recognize my voice ? Along those same lines I have heard of Ocular tracking technology. The pages scroll as your eyes move down the page. But what happens if you are crossed eyed or have a lazy eye ?
I do think this new typing technology may lead to lengthier writings. A great deal of the time my own writings are cut short because of the typing required. I am not a very proficient typist, and if I wish to finish it, it's best to keep it brief. When speaking I also have a tendency to just ramble on and on. Typing my thoughts lends itself to better focus. Also, it is my observation that you can lose a persons interest quickly if the text becomes too lengthy.
I do think it is a wonderful thing for those that may have a handicap of some type. To be able to use the computer and express yourself is a good thing. Stephen Hawking has been doing just that for a number of years now. Imagine what would have been lost had he been unable to communicate his thoughts ? The thoughts of the everyday man are no less important.
I wonder how prevalent this technology will become ? I wonder how long it will take ? As with most things new, the cost, along with the physical size of the equipment, will be the deciding factors. I am not opposed to new technology but I hesitate to embrace it as well. That comes with age though. As we age we are less likely to latch on to new tech. The old stuff works just fine. It is good,however, to keep an eye on what the kids are doing these days. To grow old is inevitable but that doesn't mean change is always bad. There have been some improvements over the years. I do recall the " DOS " system. I recall the green screens with the white lettering and the first appearance of the mouse. Yeah, some improvements have been achieved. I do think talking to a computer would take some getting used to. I'm thinking mine would start an argument ! It doesn't always comply with my wishes.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Caught in the current

Caught in the current of life. That is, what I think happens to a lot of us. We just get caught up in the current  and a change of direction becomes very difficult. Sometimes that change is impossible. To oppose the current requires a great deal of effort. It is a tiring endeavour. There are others in the raft with us that just want to go with the flow. It can be a rough ride.
To find yourself just drifting along can be disheartening. It is a basic human desire to control our direction. Some of us struggle mightily while others barely put the oar in the water. The balance between the two extremes can be challenging. On one hand you can believe that there is a preordained destiny for your life, while conversely, there are those that feel the opposite. It is up to you to choose your path. To chart the course yourself.
On any journey one is likely to encounter a storm or two. The sea of life does not always remain calm. During those times we all seek safe harbor. And where is your harbor ? Is it in your faith or the company you keep ? Some take refuge in alcohol or drugs, those are the misguided. Others take solace in their work and some do nothing at all.
In order to know your direction, you must know the destination. Where is it you want to go ? That is the biggest question in life. To be able to answer that question with confidence is the greatest joy. Is that not the purpose of faith ? To desire that final destination. To be willing to buck the current,tide or winds to get there. To be absolutely certain of the existence of that place ? Has not man done so since the beginning of time ?
All the explorers felt that desire. All felt that confidence. Straying from the course is uncomfortable and troubling to us all. Set your course, seek shelter when necessary but always move toward the destination. Don't get caught up in the current of life. I believe we control our destination. The journey may not be easy but all things of value require effort.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Open the windows

The time is close to throw open the windows and let spring come inside. Time to air out the house, listen to the singing of the birds and begin to stir about. During the winter months we do have a tendency to become sedimentary. But now spring beckons us. We have had a few days that teased us. The buds are appearing on the trees and spring onions are sprouting upwards. A growing feeling of restlessness is coming on. Projects are being planned. Outdoor projects !
I most enjoy those brief periods when you need neither heat nor air conditioning. When the windows can be left open and the breeze blowing through the rooms. I enjoy the coolness in the morning and the evening. I enjoy the gentle warmth of the day. Wouldn't it be wonderful if it just stayed that way throughout spring and summer ? I would still want the fall and winter to come, those seasons have there own pleasures, but it seems all too soon the windows are closed again and all you hear is the hum of the air conditioning.
Research shows that San Diego has the most moderate climate in the lower 48. I have been there and it was a pleasant stay, except for a minor earthquake ! Call me a chicken but I'm not living there. The ground shakes and the whole deal might just fall into the ocean. No thanks. I guess that is the price one would have to pay for that moderate climate, but I for one am unwilling. Hawaii is ranked number one. Of course one needs to keep an eye on volcanic activity when living there. Again, maybe I'm a nervous type, but that prospect doesn't seem appealing to me.
Back in the not so distant past, most homes did not have air conditioning. Windows open and fans running was the order of the day. It was also in the not so distant past that you could safely leave your windows open. Now home invasion is a real threat. A sealed fortress with invasion alarm systems is more in order. Good thing we have air conditioning ! It is alienating us from nature a bit. As a child I lay awake at night when it was hot and uncomfortable, listening to the night sounds. Caty-dids, tree frogs, whip or wills and  an occasional cat. Those sounds became a comfort. I would count the chirps of the crickets and determine the temperature. Did you know you can do that ? Google it. All those years ago I read about it in a science book. Or was it Colliers Encyclopedia ? We didn't " surf " books, we just browsed. I was the browser. What browser do you use ? LOL New meanings for old terms.
Here in Greensboro I will assume the risk. The windows will be open in the evening for as long as the weather allows. With luck we will also get a gentle rain. I just love the sound of a gentle rain. The freshness of the air is so nice. Angels ride on raindrops and bring solace to the earth. My windows will be open to welcome them.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Self Examination

Each morning I sit at this computer and have a conversation with myself. Sometimes I type my thoughts and share them with you. At others times I boil them down to a sort of eclectic stew. The news is usually on the television as I write and I may borrow from that source. Yesterdays conversations may also enter the mix. My favorites are always my own original thoughts. It is difficult to discern them at times. Some sound familiar and perhaps I have heard that said before. I do think there is little to be said, that hasn't been said before. Moving old thoughts into contemporary speech can be of benefit but I can't take credit for that thought.
An occasional line of thought does enter and I will share that. Most of the time I just post it as a status on my Facebook page. It has been my intention to write those thoughts down in a book to pass to the grandkids. I don't feel I have enough material,or the value of that material is sufficient to consider publication. I have not done so and now that time has passed. I expect I could recover those old postings but it would require an effort. They will reside in cyber land forever. For all my preaching about writing things down I haven't followed my own advice. I procrastinate ! I admit it, it is a failing of mine. I have a ton of ideas but often fail to act upon them. I am easily distracted or dissuaded from them. A lack of focus ? I don't think so. It is just that my focus gets shifted. Persistence is the path to success. A stick to it'ness. Encouragement is the motivator. Well I suppose I should quantify that last statement. Encouragement is the motivator for me. It is the thing I need to continue in my efforts. Lacking that, I quickly shift tracks. It is a selfish thing. The engine that drives me is acceptance. Acceptance and recognition. Other than the fact I can't paint or draw, it is the reason I could never be a starving artist. I could never do anything just for the art. I would require acknowledgement. I don't deal well with rejection.
That is my self analysis for this day. I think that is what these blogs are becoming. Self therapy. Physician heal thyself ! This comes from the Bible and means, attend to your faults first, then help others. Sound advice.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Independence. The dictionary says that it means to be free from control,influence,support or aid of others. I would have to say no one is truly independent if that definition is applied. We are all influenced by others in some way. It is my observation that the prevailing attitude in this country is for dependence. How many times do we see ads for " help." You don't need to do anything alone. Join a support group, obtain free counsel, get a drug prescribed, or have the government provide you with assistance. Seldom do you hear, just zip up your big boy pants and take responsibility for your actions or condition in life. Now the attitude is accepting help is almost a badge of honor. Was a time when it was a cause of shame. And that shame was a motivator.
All I hear now is, it is not your fault. Everyone should give you anything you need, without obligation. An attitude of " being owed " is prevalent. I can not help but wonder how this came to be.
Do you think I exaggerate ? Watch the news. We are not blaming the criminals for their actions, we are blaming the guns. When the criminals are to blame, it still isn't their fault. They have a mental illness. Yeah, it is called  moral turpitude. People are getting obese. Not their fault, it is the food they are eating. The laws need to be changed. Our students are falling behind in academics. It's not their fault. It is not the teachers fault either. It is because we don't have enough money and resources. If I spill coffee on myself and get burned it is not my fault. Stupid coffee was hot and that is your fault !
Me, I advocate for the land of the free. Freedom is synonymous with independence. I hope for a change in social attitude. A revisiting of the spirit that founded this great nation of ours. Our country was made by those
independent individuals that took responsibility for their actions. Witness the signatures of the Declaration of Independence. That is assuming the blame and /or the glory.
The politicians and lawyers have robbed this country of that spirit. They have tried to litigate common sense,pride and spirit. It can not be done any more than you can litigate moral behavior. You are responsible for you. To receive help is a wonderful thing, to expect it is unconscionable. To write it into law is fruitless and counter productive.  

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Making Changes

I am waiting, along with the rest of the world, for a new Pope to be chosen. It is a decision that will have far reaching consequences. I trust the college of Cardinals will make a wise decision.
I am not a practitioner of the Catholic faith. I confess to knowing little about it. Superstition and rumors abound, as with anything you are not completely familiar with. I do recall the practice of not eating meat on Fridays. The restriction was lifted in 1963, according to several sources, but I do have conflicting opinions. Some say it still applies. Whatever the truth, that is just one thing that comes to mind. Saying confession is another mystery of Catholicism. All I know is you tell your sins to the priest and he tells you to say a number of Hail Mary's and Our Fathers. Your sins are then absolved.
I write these things not as a derision to the faith. Quite the contrary actually. I only write them to show how little my knowledge is. I do know the Pope is the leader of the Catholic church. In listening to the various reporters and commentators about the election of the new Pope a few things have become clear. A number of " Catholics " say they are looking for a new beginning for the church. They are hoping for the election of a more liberal Pope. A younger man that will possibly be more flexible in the practice of the faith.
I speak as an observer of events. Should this new Pope make a number of changes in basic doctrine will that not change the church ? That is not to say it will alter the faith of the people, just the practice of the faith. What I am hearing the young Catholic saying is, we need to change the Church to attract more young folks.  The problem lies in that by changing the practices and beliefs of the Catholic church, are you not changing the church ? And in that change you are no longer Catholic ? Is it not  the practices and doctrines of the church that make it the church ? That make you a Catholic ?
For me the old saying, you can't have your cake and eat it too applies. If you want to be a Catholic you must practice the faith as prescribed. Should you not wish to conform with that join another sect. The Protestants for example. Isn't that where we came from ? We protested against the Pope.
I am an Episcopalian. That is the church my mother took me too and the faith into which I was indoctrinated. It closely resembles the Catholic faith. We don't pray to the saints or say confession. I enjoy the pageantry associated with that faith. The Reverend in his splendid robes and the strict rules governing the services. A lot of changes have been made since I attended my church on a regular basis. I have heard of these changes and do not look upon them with favor. I realize I am getting older and change become more difficult with age. That I am sure is a part of it. There is more to it however. The basics tenants of practicing the faith were instilled in me as a child. These were taught as truth and  right. To change those seems to be contradictory. A shaking of the foundation as it were.
The Catholic church is experiencing that change again. The tremors can be felt worldwide. A lot is resting upon the decision being made. May the faithful remain true to their beliefs and practices. I was taught the church is a living breathing thing. All things must change and evolve to survive. The decision of just what to change is critical. One should guard against changes solely to satisfy the masses. Change should be based on
needs, not want or convenience.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Small Gifts

Living in a rural area of Maryland I still see the sights I would have seen growing up. Farms, with their
animals walking about in the pasture. Long dirt drives leading up to the house. Old cars and pick up trucks. Older homes with their various architectural styles sitting side by side. And of course the " new " places. Can't be more than ten years old or so.
The other day, as I was driving, I looked across a field and there, in the backyard of a farm house, was strung the clothesline. A slight breeze was waving those faded jeans,tee shirts and linens. The clothesline danced up and down and I was instantly reminded of home. I could hear my mother saying, I'm going to the clothes yard if you need me. When I got home I asked my wife if she had had a clothes yard when she was growing up. She had not heard that term used before. I wondered if it was an expression unique to the area where I grew up. A colloquial expression ? Mom used clothes poles too, to prop up the clothesline so the laundry didn't hit the ground. Most of the time they were just old tree limbs or a used piece of lumber.
Seeing that laundry hung out to dry was a small gift. I traveled home for a brief second or too. A singular moment in time captured in a vision. I wished I had had a camera with me. It would have made a wonderful picture. It is early in the year and the trees are still bare. The grass has not greened up yet. Those clothes on that line were in stark contrast to the horizon, or to the far gone past, to speak metaphorically. An everyday thing to the person who hung them, a pleasant memory for me. Call it luck,chance or fate but these little gifts arrive. All we need do is be aware and enjoy them. That is the purpose of memory. To enjoy what once was
and refresh us. Memory should bring comfort. All things must pass before our eyes in order to be seen.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Holding on to history

Conversation is the garden of thought and ideas. I often get my ideas for these postings as a result of talking with people. The idea I get may or may not have anything to do with the topic being discussed. Seems odd I know, but that is the way my brain works. A little bit off center at times. My thoughts can wander from the present subject to a more abstract thought. I've heard it said that I just love to talk, or more properly, hear myself talk, and I guess there is some truth to that. If that were my only failing I would be pleased. Well, I accept that truth and will try to curb it just a bit.
I was chatting with a friend when this occurred to me. In all my collection of photographs, I do not have a picture of my childhood home. It does make an appearance in the background of some snapshots but none feature that home. It struck me what a shame that is. I helped in the transformation of that house from a two bedroom rancher, to a two story, three bedroom, two and a half bath home. I helped in building the fireplace, digging the basement and construction of the back yard barbecue and patio. I had about fifteen Christmases there, along with birthdays and other celebrations. A good portion of the history of me was made there. And I don't have a picture.
I did go visit that home some years back. The current owner was kind enough to allow me to walk through one more time. I was struck by just how small that house really was. The decor looked almost as I remembered it. The kitchen cabinets had been painted a different color and the carpet was changed, but the wallpaper remained. The house seemed sad and somewhat forlorn, like it was lacking in life. Perhaps it was the old memories I had left there. The knotty pine, so fashionable at the time, had grown darker with age and the ceramic tiles on the kitchen counter dull. A few tiles were missing and resembled a toothless grin. I left glad for the visit, but with a sense of sadness.
I have determined to write a full description of this home. It may prove of interest to succeeding generations. I will root out whatever glimpses I may have captured in those photos. I am no artist but will attempt a sketch of the house and draw a floor plan. The last I knew that home stood basically unchanged on a little rise of land. The back yard had undergone major changes. The stone barbecue pit, walls and goldfish pond had returned to the earth. No traces remained that I could see. It would be an interesting place to excavate. Like an archaeological dig, I am certain of finding treasure.
I can only imagine what it must be like to live in an ancestral home. A place that has felt the footsteps of your ancestors. I expect in the dark corners and little hidden areas, discovery awaits. In times of quiet homes will speak to you, if you but listen. My home has a sorted tale to tell and I know but a small part. It is my duty to record that much.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Getting Directions

I am one of those people that are terrible when it comes to street names and giving directions. I do not remember the names of streets or the number of county roads and highways. Given years I will know a few major roads. I can drive wherever I need to go without any problems but telling another how to get there is a challenge. Those directions usually start with, do you know where ( insert a landmark here ) is ? Well, don't go that way. Trying to tell another how to get somewhere I almost always confuse myself. I drive by landmarks. Like a pioneer, I travel my route from memory. I do not have a gps (gasp) so any detours can be a challenge for me. Fortunately, I travel little from my stomping grounds so it is not an issue.
I know that I am not alone in this. I have asked others for directions and met with the same response. Remember where the Piggly Wiggly was ? That's where it is. Not being a local I have no clue where the Piggly Wiggly was ! A series of landmarks usually follow. I understand and move on. Then I stop and ask another, all the while mumbling about people living somewhere and not knowing where anything is. I forget I should include myself in that group. Well, I do know, just can't tell you how to get there.
I have used a gps that my daughter in law has. The lady giving you directions. I would say she does fairly well too. A big improvement over those old road maps. I did notice if you miss the turn, the gps lady starts to get a little panicky. She is quite insistent about staying on her route. She is a bit uptight, as the saying goes. The technology is wonderful but does take some of the fun out of a road trip.
I will say this. I have never been lost, just exploring alternate routes. I have chosen to explore these routes at inopportune times that much is true, but always arrived at my destination. That destination may have been modified during the journey though. Hey, I'm not like the gps lady, I'm flexible.
It is a wonderful thing that with modern technology we can pinpoint any location on the planet. I can send you the coordinates and get you within a few feet. Now that is amazing. Had this been available earlier we wouldn't have lost treasures,only lost coordinates. Of course there is something to be said for the old fashioned ways. Don't need three satellites or electrical power of any kind. And you do tend to be observant
on the journey. That leads me back to my original thought. Why didn't I observe those street signs and names in the first place ? That's because I know where I'm going and if you are asking you don't. Your problem,not mine.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Forgotten Places

Just a little ways down the road from Olympic Heights was Tar Paper City. Famous residents there included Porky and Snot Blossom. It was just a small cluster of homes, in a very poor neighborhood. Called Tar Paper city because most of the homes there had no shingles for siding,just the tar paper. The residents were down on their luck types and generally considered to have little ambition. There was a mentally challenged boy there too. We called him Buzzy.
In the late nineteen fifties and throughout the sixties we were not what you would describe as sensitive people. You could probably tell that by the monikers given. Everyone in town would have known where, and about whom you were talking, using those names. I never gave it a thought. Olympic Heights was the name of a service station. Garage we called it. It was owned by friends of my father and I spent quite a bit of time there. You really get to know a lot of the local characters in a place like that. Later on I did discover that Olympic Heights was originally to be a planned neighborhood. Situated on a rise in the landscape, the grandiose name, Olympic Heights was chosen. It never panned out. There were a few homes there but at the end of a dirt road. Two pillars did stand at the entrance road looking forlorn and neglected.
Back then we had many colorful names for people and places. Most would be considered politically incorrect and downright offensive by today's standards. The descriptions were apt though. At the time little thought was given to such things, and now they are reflected upon with wonder.
There was a lot less anger back then. People were not so easily offended or put upon as they appear to be today. It is true that some of the names used you didn't use to their face, but the name was known. It was just a courtesy extended. I think we were taught to" just own it" back then. If you didn't want to own that, it was up to you to change it. Change was possible, but came about by action and not words. People in general were less likely to press the issue. We stayed in our " neck of the woods " and others stayed in theirs. It really wasn't a racial  or economically biased thing, it just was. My friends,family and familiar environs are here,why would I want to go there ? That was the attitude. You could say we were comfortable in our roles.
As the years moved on, we progressed. Now we are aware of others feelings and sensitivities. We choose our words carefully for fear of offending. We boldly stride through whatever neck of the forest we choose and demand acceptance. Unacceptable behaviors,whether real or perceived, will be dealt with. Litigation being the primary weapon. Even the slightest slip could be met with ostracization. The world has become vastly more complex. Is it better ? That, I suppose, depends upon how you define better. The old ways weren't so bad.

Friday, March 8, 2013


Belief comes through experience. Belief is most closely associated with God or religious values. When asked, do you believe, the person is really asking, have you had a personal experience ? An answer of yes or no is an admission of that experience or lack thereof. I do not believe in blind belief, or faith if you prefer, that is called hope. It is my feeling that belief must be experienced. It is the recognition of that experience that lends itself to faith.
Along with other mysteries in this world I have given this much thought. I find myself thinking more about it with each passing year. I think that is only a natural progression. We humans tend to go for the fun stuff first and the more serious aspects of life later on. There is much talk of birth and rebirth. Many Christians talk of being reborn. I understand the analogy. To recognize the presence of a creator and acknowledge his,or her, existence is a new beginning. The beginning of faith is that experience.
In the Bible we read the story of Thomas. Forever remembered as a doubter. But was he ? At one point he was, but then he had an experience. An experience as true to him as the sun in the sky. He doubted no more. He was a believer. I think it human to be filled with doubt. It is only right that we should question. And I further feel until we have that experience, we will doubt. To claim otherwise is being untrue to ourselves and others. To desire faith is one thing, to posses it another.
I do not write this to explain my personal relationship with faith. I believe faith to be a very personal matter. I do not trust those that feel obligated to broadcast their feelings. Sharing your faith or beliefs in quiet confidence is one thing, but causing discomfort to others is quite another. One need only admit that relationship to the one being worshiped.
  The real question is, do we believe what we experience or experience what we believe ?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Describe the time

Born in 1953 I am considered part of the " hippie " generation. Long hair,sexual freedom,peace and love. Expanding our minds we called it. Experimentation with new ideas and philosophy. We followed the Beatles and some of us followed Timothy Leary. I say some because I certainly didn't fall into that description much. I was somewhat of an anti hippie. Partly because my parents wouldn't let me dress or act that part, and partly because I didn't want to conform to what the other kids were doing. They were being non-conformists so I was a conformist. To this day I still stand by America, apple pie and my mother. The free love part sounded good though. I found out it wasn't as free as we thought. But never mind that.We persevered and survived the disco era too. I'm not quite sure what we were thinking during that time frame,must have been some leftovers from Timothy Leary.( Timothy Leary was a Harvard physiologist who advocated the use of LSD ) Yes, we protested Vietnam and the girls burned their bras. We dropped out and turned on. Personally I did neither. I joined the Navy.
Now I look back at those times and just smile. All the things that are most closely related to my generation I didn't participate in. I didn't go to Woodstock. Barely even heard of it until after it happened. I didn't grow my hair long or wear paisley print shirts. No tie dyed tee shirts either. I wasn't a big fan of the Beatles or the Rolling Stones. Didn't own a Volkswagen bus painted with flowers. Didn't smoke funny weeds or use chemicals for better living. To put it in a sentence, I just wasn't cool.
It is a strange thing. I lived through all of that as an observer. I was there but just watching. Occasionally a younger person will ask me about those things. It is, after all, history to them. I tell them what I saw. I did not and will not pretend to have done otherwise. I'm not much on phonies. Tell it like it was and let the chips fall. I wouldn't want to be known as an old hippie. That connotation isn't a good one in my mind. If pressed, I would have to say I am more of a leftover from the fifties. My parents were not what you would describe as progressive. I inherited that from them. Each generation is defined by their music and social attitudes. My parents generation has aptly been described as " the greatest generation. " That is a tough moniker to live up to. It is my thinking they may have over compensated for their own hardships by allowing their children (me included) a little too much freedom. We got labeled as the " me " generation. What they will call the current generation history will decide. As of right now I think it is the " you owe me generation." Just sayin'.  

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Pop Tart Politics

The news both local and national is getting to be just a little bit ridiculous. The latest foolishness I hear of happened here in Maryland. In Anne Arundel county. A seven year boy eating a pop tart at school noticed it looked somewhat like a pistol after he had taken several bites from it. Showing it to a classmate, an administrator sees it and sends the boy to the principle. He is suspended for two days ! Threatening with a pop tart. He didn't even get to finish his pop tart. Forgive me but I think that is just about the most ridiculous thing I've heard of. A pop tart, really ?
In the national news we have homeland security releasing criminals because they don't have money to keep them in jail. Yet, the government just loaned 250 million to Egypt. Then the President saying, we need to make better decisions. Ya think ?
Another group here in Maryland want the homeless people,that have a small tent city under a overpass, moved because the conditions are unsanitary. Did you really think they would have running water and sewer ? Why is this news ? Unfortunate that we have these problems in the country, but by and large the homeless don't normally have, well, a home.
I grow weary listening to the foolishness. I hear a lot of people talking, but not saying much of substance. The only way I can describe it is, floundering ! The country in general is floundering. A lack of direction and determination. No one wants to be responsible for the hard choices. Just keep blaming it on everyone else. The headlines are attempting to show our concern and caring. That's why we are suspending kids for pop tarts, that'll stop gun violence for sure. Nip it in the bud. The Barney Fife method. Give everyone one bullet and you have to keep it in your pocket. The real problem lies not in the type of weapon, but the type of person using that weapon !
Good grief I'm glad I have a sense of humor. You just have to laugh at some of this stuff.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Smooching Clams

Ever had a bowl of graveyard stew or smooched a clam ? I've had both and will have them again. These are just two items I ate when growing up. Others, with not so colorful names included, Long Island hurry up, fritters ( clam and oyster ) and samp.
I had almost forgotten about the first two items. Been a good while since I had either. Graveyard stew, in case you are not familiar with that, is a food item for sick people. Got a sour stomache ? Make a batch of graveyard stew. Toast a big slice of bread ( preferably homemade) and then butter it liberally. Real butter please, none of this margarine stuff or substitutes. Place in a bowl and pour boiled milk over the toast. Bam ! Graveyard stew. As the old folks would say, " it's good for what ails you."  Does it work ? Absolutely. It'll cure just about anything given the chance.
Now smooching a clam is a different matter altogether. Clams are notoriously tight lipped. ( drum roll ). Seriously though, smooched clams are nothing more than fried clams. The thing is you fry them along with some salt pork. Adds a little flavor. Also makes the meal a little more filling. One warning though, eat too many smooched clams and you will need graveyard stew.
As for Long Island hurry up, that is just another name for a regular stew. Meat and vegetables. Fritters are just whatever fried in a batter. Samp is hominy.
I love the regional names for different food items. For the uninitiated they can leave you wondering. The first time I went south the waitress asked me if I wanted hush puppies ? I thought the shoes I had on were just fine. Ya'll want grits ? Uh, I don't think so. Canadian bacon ? What's that, imported ? 
The foods we grew up with are the comfort foods we love, by whatever name you call them. They may have medicinal powers or just taste good. It is true they never taste quite the way you remember them. This is especially true if a long time has passed since the last serving. I'm convinced it is the quality of the ingredients.  
Homemade bread,real butter,milk than actually contains milk fat and some cream. I'm convinced we have homogenized,pasteurized and processed our food so much it no longer tastes the same. The nutritional value and healing properties have been taken out. Or it could be that no one can cook it the way Mom did. Not even you ! Let me tell you Mom made a mean blow fish salad. The poor mans lobster. And periwinkles are delicious in a salad as well. Ah, for the foods of our youth. I've got Mom's recipes but the execution of them is another matter altogether.  

Monday, March 4, 2013

Grand parenting

Being a Grandparent. I think too many of us have failed to fully understand the word or the role. Yes, we're grand, but the operative word is parent. When we become grandparents we must again resume the role of parent. The grand parent. Grandchildren are not an inconvenience or someone else's responsibility. They are ours.
The old adage it takes a village to raise a child holds much truth. It takes grandparents as well. Being a grandparent carries much responsibility. We are the buffer zone between the children and their parents. A delicate balance between interfering and offering advice requires the skills of age and wisdom. Our love has been tempered with restraint. Grandparents posses patience, not a strong point with the young. And patience is required.
When I see grandparents that do not want to parent, I feel a sadness for them. Whether they realize it or not they are missing out on so much. They are also shirking their obligations. I can only think of them as being self centered. I have even seen some ads on TV about it being " our time. " Time is possessed by no man but is a gift. To waste that gift is a tragic mistake. Not sharing that time with your descendants is the biggest mistake of all. Your legacy resides within their minds and memories. I, for one, want to keep an eye on that.
I admit to having some ulterior motives as well. I don't want to be alone in my advancing years. By embracing those children now, it is my hope they will embrace me right back. A true bond takes years to form. A bond cannot be formed with Christmas gifts and feigned affection. No, a bond can only be truly formed with love,respect and understanding. You must share your life.
As I watch the grandchildren grow, it gives me comfort. It is reassuring and comforting to know that time and tradition are moving forward. Is it not our task to move mankind forward ? To leave this world a better place for having been in it ? We all want to see the fruit of our labors. Grandchildren are that fruit. Don't spoil the fruit, rather nourish and care for it.
It is my desire to have a continuing conversation with my grandchildren. I want to share whatever insight and advice I may have accumulated over the years. Each day is a new opportunity. What better words could be spoken than to have it said, he was a Grand Parent. Unless it can be said, he was a Great Grand Parent !

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Like most everyone in the country I have heard of this sequester. I knew about sequestering a jury but had not heard the word used in any other context. Off to Google. Sequester also means to seize another's property to satisfy a debt, or seize property from the enemy. In more direct language, to just take whatever it is you need.
The government decided upon the items in the sequester a while back. Seems as though they chose Government jobs, programs affecting the elderly, and the children. Those items were supposed to scare all the lawmakers : IE the congress and the house into action to prevent the sequester. Well we know it didn't work. Still no real progress on reducing the debt. The result is the american public is being sequestered. The government is seizing the assets of its' workers ( furlough days) Homeland security is being effected and cuts to the military budget will effect training and readiness. That's what the news says anyway. But, not for a while.
This sequester is supposed to reduce the budget by 20%. Interesting the items chosen for sequestration don't you think. The government has no other programs to cut other than the most vital ones ? How about cutting foreign aid, grants, gifts and emptying the pork barrel first ! Oh, can't do that might lose a vote here and there. Could upset someone. The admitted logic was to scare everyone into action and that is the real reason those items were chosen. Like a spoiled child breaking his only toy before sharing it with another. Or as Mom would say, cut their nose off to spite their face !
I blame no one party or group for this mess. They are all equally accountable. I do agree that just raising taxes is not the solution. I do agree cuts have to be made. I do feel like this sequester is more of a bullying tactic than anything else. And this in the time of the anti-bullying campaigns ! Shame on you Congress,Senate and Mr. President.
I will say this, I'm betting we could find a 20% reduction in government spending,enact it, and less than 1% of the people in this country would'nt even know about it. All the funds spent on studies,grants,and downright give aways ! I'm betting if the house and senate had their pay sequestered until they reached an agreement we would see some action, pronto ! How about that ? The executive branch too !

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Learning the game

The activities of those around us effect each of us differently. Never being much of a bystander, I'm usually involved in some fashion. Now my grandson Mark has signed up to play Lacrosse. His parents purchased all the necessary equipment, you don't want to know, and our first practice is today. It is a day of anticipation and a little apprehension. I will be watching,along with Grandma, from the sidelines. It is a little cold but we're taking blankets and dressing warm ! Old folks do that stuff.
I have never played Lacrosse and know very little of the sport. I have heard of it but haven't known any players either. And so now,at the age of 59, I find myself learning to play the game. I was outside yesterday evening with Mark. He has two sticks (crosses) and we began by throwing the ball to one another. I did look up the proper technique to use on the internet. I also learned how to scoop the ball up while running.
In a fairly short time we both began to get the hang of it. Seems like a fun game. Judging by the amount of pads and protective equipment he is required to wear, it is also a rough one. I'm thinking I'll avoid that portion of the game. I'll stay with the old adage, those that can't play, coach. I'll be doing a lot of reading about this game of Lacrosse.
Times do change. When I was his age baseball and football were king. Now it is more soccer and Lacrosse. Mark really enjoys soccer. He is the goalie whenever possible. In this game of Lacrosse we have no idea what position he will be playing or which one he will even like. The goal tender spot appears to be quite a bit different than in soccer. I have to study up on this.
They say that grand-kids keep you young. At least they keep you active ! I'll bet it is a sight to see a man of my age running around with a Lacrosse stick playing ball. I will say in my minds eye I still got the moves, but video would probably reveal a different picture altogether. I will say it also saves me on gym fees. Get plenty of exercise with those kids. You might say they contribute to my health plan. I do want the kids to be able to tell their children about Grandpa playing ball with them. I want them to stick around and play with Grandpa. Kids grow fast and want to move on. I figure as long as I can chase after them, they don't have a choice ! I wanna play too ! I never imagined I would be learning a new sport at this point in my life, but why not ? Contrary to popular belief, you can teach old dogs new tricks !  

Friday, March 1, 2013

A big decision

The Pope has retired. What an amazing thing. He can no longer wear his red shoes. I watched some of the news coverage and that seemed like an important fact. The Pope did look old and frail, they all do when I picture them, but walked a short distance with his cane. After a farewell address, off in a helicopter he went. They say we may not see him again.
He was the Bishop of Rome. That is his title. He is believed to be a successor to St. Peter and holder of the keys to heaven. A Shepard as well. An important figure for sure. A powerful man. But in the end, a man nonetheless. And man is subject to time. I believe what this man has done was a decision not easily reached but unselfish in its' action.
The Cardinals have not decided when to begin voting for the next Pope. I understand they wanted to wait until the previous Pope had retired. That made sense, but why wait now ? I can understand if the Pope had passed away. A period of mourning is appropriate but this man retired. What's the hold up ?
It is a big decision and will affect millions around the world. Those that practice Catholicism will be impacted as well as those who don't. It is not only religious but political as well.
I will say for the record I am not a Catholic. I am certainly no scholar of Catholicism and suffer from some misconceptions about their beliefs and religious practices. I am a protestant. We protested against the Pope lo those many years ago. That being said, I do hope the Cardinals elect a new Pope that will guide the faithful. If there is anything we need more in this world it is faith. The God you should choose to pray to, or religion you choose to practice is not so important. It is the belief and following of the doctrine that is important. All the major religions teach the same core values. It is only in the confusion of interpretation that the message gets jumbled. There is no denying the Catholic church is a major influence in the world. The Pope holds great power and responsibility.
The election of a Pope. It probably is best not to rush in.