Thursday, January 10, 2013

Too much of a good thing

In our attempt to make life easier, we have made ourselves more dependent. Just consider what you would call the necessities and compare them to your Grandmothers needs. It becomes immediately obvious. Some comes from the addition of technology and some comes from government regulations.
Life,in general, is easier and much more comfortable than years ago, as long as you can afford it. If you can't, the government will get involved and give you aid, maybe. The old adage, God helps those who help themselves, is being legislated into obscurity. In order to do most things to earn a few dollars, you either need a permit, license or certificate of some kind. You would be required to pass some testing, carry insurance and bonding of some type. Gone are the days of making do and doing odd jobs. You can not purchase a piece of property and build yourself a home anymore. You can't even make improvements anymore without a plethora of standards to be met. Government is so busy " protecting " me they are making me homeless and dependent.
Need a license to go catch a fish for supper. Forget about hunting for some food, that is reserved for the sportsman. Was a time when that activity was for the hungry. It just strikes me funny that all these " country boys " that want to hunt are now using smart phone apps and gps technology. Aluminum, high tech deer stands and John Deere gator four wheel drives. Space age insulated clothing and laser sighted weapons. Talk to most of them boys and they will tell you that stuff is a necessity. Grandpa didn't need any of it.
I enjoy the comfort and convenience of modern day living as much as anyone else. Heating and Air conditioning, my cell phone and internet. All is very nice. I do think I wouldn't mind so very much living in a cabin in the woods somewhere. As long as I would be left alone to do my thing. Left alone, to just help myself. I'm beginning to feel government regulations,no matter how well intended, as becoming oppressive. I find myself becoming more dependent on technology and I don't like it. You can get too much of a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. "I find myself becoming more dependent on technology and I don't like it. You can get too much of a good thing." - Ben Reichart

    Good observation. What you are seeing, though, has been going on since Man left the caves. Its a progression of technology. And it has a consequences which causes the dependency. The more technology the more artificiality created surrounding our existence on the planet. Its a two edged sword. Everything (material and technology) is basically created by the hand of Man; not Nature; for the benefit of Man ??? . I don't think I want to live back in the cave but the further we go the more artificial it becomes with an increasing need to make it all up as we go along. Hence, our solutions become problems in need of more solutions creating more problems; and the wheels keep rolling. When you make up the world as you go along you get what you get. There is no turning back. Maybe we just need to use our imaginations better to create a better artificial world. We fight Nature and our own natures and create things to make ourselves more comfortable and do our will more efficiently. Maybe its time to examine what we are doing.
