Tuesday, January 8, 2013


One of the gifts my wife and I received for Christmas were parakeets. Two nice little birds, the cage and all the accessories. We allowed the Grandchildren to name them. After doing some research to find out if we had a traditional or same sex couple we determined they are a boy and a girl, I think. Turns out it is not as easy to determine as one might think. The um, telling parts, are located internally. You can tell by the color of their feet and legs and the area called the cere. Problem is you need to know the age of the birds. At any rate , the kids decided on Luke and Sunny.
Luke and Sunny seem to be happy in their new home. We have them close enough to the window that they get a good view but not a draft. Parakeets don't like drafts. We have had parakeets in the past and always enjoyed them. Each one has its own personality. Luke is quite friendly and will sit on your finger. Sunny is the opposite. I do get a chuckle when they appear to be arguing with each other. Sitting up on their perch,side by side, and just squawking away. Look like an old married couple !
Mark takes Luke out of the cage every day. He likes to hold him and watch him fly around a little. Luke will bite at your finger but I think he is just playing around. Sunny however wants nothing to do with this activity. Difficult to catch and quite vocal. We all think it best to leave her alone for now. Maybe later she will become accustomed to us. Parakeets can live quite a while.
It is getting to be quite the menagerie around here. Daisy, the Guinea Pig, is boarding with us, as Maria, the grandchildren's Mom, is not fond of rodents. I have my cat, Hobo and the birds. We got Mark an ant farm for Christmas but the ants died. We will order some more ants soon and try that again. At least that was at his house. I am enjoying the sounds of the birds in the morning. As soon as the sun comes up they will start making noise. Parakeets can be taught to speak ( mimic ) and I'll be trying to get Luke and Sunny to say, Hello. It takes a while and none I ever had could do it. There is always a first though.

Sunny on the Left, and Luke

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