Monday, January 14, 2013

Collecting Memories

I can't remember in what film I saw this scene, but it is stuck in my mind. An older lady, sitting at a grand piano in her living room. May have been Audrey Hepburn, but I wouldn't swear to that.. The room is quite large and rather dark. The piano is covered with old photographs, neatly arranged. I believe she is nearing the end of her life due to some tragic illness. That is all I can remember of the film and the scene. It is all the photographs that I remember so well.
As I sit here I find myself surrounded by photographs. I have photos of my ancestors and their descendants. Mostly consisting of immediate family members, I do have a few Aunts and Uncles thrown into the mix. I really enjoy their company. I enjoy them so much more than those hiding in photo albums. I know it is because of the ease of seeing them. Just look around. Still, I find them a comforting sight. I do think they add a lot to the decor and warmth of my home. The older pictures add mystery from the past, while the newer ones add life.
I do make an effort to keep my house from looking like a museum or art gallery. So many pictures can do that, but I think so far that has been avoided. I try to find suitable frames for the pictures. I like to have period frames to match the picture. I have found getting older frames is not an easy task. I suspect too many get broken and discarded. I keep my eyes open at flea markets and yard sales though. I like to have them but am unwilling to pay a inflated price for them. I am not a serious collector. A casual collector would be a better description.
I wonder if this interest in pictures, and surrounding myself with them says anything ? Am I trying to capture the past, or is it a celebration ? I'll go with celebration. I do think it is important to know your ancestors. Their lives are a part of yours, whether you realize it or not. Their actions influenced the future, the future you live in. Other pictures celebrate my life. The good times and happy moments. After all, that is what we take pictures of. I'll keep adding to my collection of memories. I don't have a grand piano to display them on. My home is not quite so large. The collection of photographs do have the same effect however. When I saw the scene in that film I wanted to just sit and talk with that lady. Someone who looked interesting. The scene is set, come on by and we'll have a chat. Did I ever tell you about my Great Grandmother ?

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