Sunday, January 27, 2013


There are several laws about the use of cell phones in automobiles here in Maryland. The laws change so often, I'm not even sure what they are. Apparently you can talk on the phone as long as it is hands free. But texting is not allowed, unless that is done hands free as well. I'm assuming their is technology for that. Being of a certain generation, I am behind the curve on this stuff. Now there is discussion about banning all use of cell phones in cars. And it would be a primary offense. That means you don't have to be doing anything else in violation of the law to be pulled over for that. How the Officer is supposed to determine that, is a mystery to me. I tend to sing along with the radio and how are they supposed to know ? Maybe I even like talking to myself.
All of this is well meaning. The government trying to save our lives. Sadly, it is necessary is some cases. Yes, there are those that don't have enough common sense to know better. The intent being to protect us that do from those that don't know, or care about the safety of others. These driving distractions are nothing new. I've heard it all before. Citizens band radio, radios and now the introduction of DVD players and led displays in the dashboards. That annoying Mapquest lady squawking at you. All these things are distractions. Coupled with the modern automobiles that run fast, quiet and oh so smooth. Speed limits are being raised. Doesn't surprise me one bit that there is an increase in accidents.
All this is just another example of trying to legislate common sense. You can't write laws to prevent stupid ! All this technology and we just keep getting distracted. Distracted from living. Only one way to counteract this technology, more technology. We need a device that when the cars ignition system is operating it jams all the cell phone signals ! Phones don't work inside running vehicles ! So there Detroit, how about that ? Then we can pass laws to have every vehicle in America retrofitted with this device. Create more jobs. Create a whole new industry. See it's not that hard. Problem solved.

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