Thursday, January 17, 2013

Doing It

I get really annoyed with discussion, instead of doing. Sure it is a good idea to talk about what you want to do, but you do have to actually do it. Flapping your jaws and hemming and hawing for an hour or more does little for progress. Like the ad says, Just Do It !
I see this being more and more of a trend. I wonder if the participants feel like they are more intelligent for it. Do they feel somehow superior to others ? We will discuss all the possibilities and scenarios. They seem to get caught up in the minutia and lose sight of the goal. It drives me crazy. As a one time neighbor and friend once said, " understanding it ain't doing it, doing it is doing it. "
No where is this more prevalent than with our elected officials and the justice system. Discussion after discussion followed by studies,polls and fact finding missions, followed by more discussion. Good grief, common sense requires little discussion, unless of course you have none. And perhaps therein lies the problem.
 We are all human beings prone to making mistakes. We are all influenced by our peers and prejudices. Those qualities should not preclude us from making a decision however. Sometimes we will be wrong, sometimes not. It is the cost of living my friends.
I find it doubly annoying when the " boss " fails to make a decision. That is their role isn't it ? Some are unwilling to delegate that authority to another, while others continually delegate every decision. State your desire clearly, concisely and with conviction. Quit talking and start doing. Every choice should not be a debate. Uncertainty should be used as a motivator, not an impediment to progress.
Consider the millions of dollars spent on political campaigns. And what are campaigns ? Nothing more than a person talking about what they will or will not do. And how often do they actually do what they claim they will do ? Not often, because they are always too busy talking about it. And then by the time they do decide to take action, the primary goal or mission has been lost or so diluted as to be ineffective. Then we will hold discussions about that failure.
I grow weary of those that mask the fear of failure with discussion. All this talk doesn't impress me in the least. Action speaks louder than words. Now there is an axiom we can all understand.  

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