Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I just saw an advertisement for a show. This show promises to be all new. It will contain the all time best, most outrageous, and funniest commercials from the Super Bowl ! Probably not the first time this has been done, but the first I remember hearing about. Now that is simple irony. I admit the commercials can be entertaining. The best ones, in my opinion, make me laugh and I don't remember what is was they were advertising. Another ironic fact. But I guess that is the genius of advertising. Entertain, inform and get you to buy !
I don't watch much television beyond the History channel or documentaries. I watch the news and a few situation comedies. The ads I seem to see the most frequently are concerned with libido, health issues, and automobiles. Few of them are funny or entertaining. Not going to make a show out of them. I do wonder why the Super Bowl commercials are far superior  ? What is it about them ? I remember really funny ones from years ago. I particularly liked the frog ones. Advertising Budweiser beer I think. Funny stuff. I do think the frogs were lip syncing though.
I wonder why it is they can't make really good commercials at any another time of the year ? Does it take these ad men a whole year to conceive a good one ? Is it worth the price ? Apparently the sponsors think so. The cost of those ads are ridiculous. It boggles the mind to think just how much money is spent for thirty seconds. I'm thinking if it were me making the decisions things would be different. I think I would advertise the fact that I didn't spend hundreds of thousands on a funny ad for the Super Bowl, but donated those funds to a worthy cause. Perhaps giving books to the schools or something. Not everyone can play in the Super Bowl but we can all be a star ! Something like that.
If I remember I will watch a show of commercials. Entertaining. Guess there will be commercials between the commercials. Wonder if they will be as entertaining ?

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