Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Money and Morality

Charity begins at home. My mother often used that axiom. Mothers are wise creatures. In their simplicity of love, and love is charity, they set the example. These thoughts came to mind as I read about the fiscal cliff, and all the other budget problems facing the nation. Just a cursory review of all the monies the United States provides to other nations is an eye opener. Factor in all the religious organizations providing relief and support to foreign countries and it is an amazing figure.
I am not proposing that we not help our fellow man when we are able. What I am proposing is a closer adherence to that old axiom. Contrary to popular belief that phrase does not come from the Bible. There are passages that can be interrupted to mean that, but it does not state that exactly. Money and Morality do not make good bedfellows. The one tends to corrupt the other. The same could be said for Diplomacy.
Even now, as the congress debates the aid package for super storm Sandy, charity for home, it contains millions in aid to others not affected by this storm. Why should that be so ? Have we become so " charitable " that we are neglecting ourselves ? It would certainly seem the burden has increased upon the average taxpayer. A large portion of those taxes going to some charity. For giving monetary funds to another, be it an individual or country is nothing more than charity.
I see so many of our elderly struggling to get by. Most have worked hard and tried their best to provide for their families. Now old age and ill health plagues them. Even their meager Social Security benefits are under attack. The government provides little help. How many need just a little help. Government doesn't provide for that however. With the Government it is all or nothing. It is far easier for those foreign to our country to get assistance, than those that are native born. A sad fact and one that can be substantiated by a review of claims being paid. There are many examples of this. Consider starting a business of your own. Review what tax breaks,assistance and funds are available to you. Then review what would be available should you be foreign born and immigrating to this country. The disparity is amazing.
I believe our elected officials have a moral obligation to their constituents. I also believe they are failing us in that regard. The focus should be " home " and governing ( not ruling ) for the best interest of all.
Charity is a wonderful thing, but Charity does begin at home !

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