Thursday, January 31, 2013

Self Definition

Millions of people here in the United States will watch the Super Bowl. Those players will be forever defined as having played in the Super Bowl. Years from now, long after their playing careers, that will be their highlight. I played in the Super Bowl. The best of the best. Quite an accomplishment, one determined not only by talent, but by fate, or luck if you prefer. This is true in other sports as well, the World Series or Stanley Cup. Winning the Masters and whatever they call the Championship in basketball.
In other walks of life people may be defined by their accomplishments, either singularly or as part of a group or team. In a sense we are all part of some team or another. The support and encouragement we receive from loved ones and colleagues for example. Are they not part of the team ? The team that is you. We would not be ourselves without the influence of others. Our goals and aspirations would most certainly be different.
Trophies and accolades are satisfying in and of themselves but should they define you ? The question is what reward do you want ? Is the goal to win trophies and admiration from the masses ? The satiation of your ego ? To be competitive in the game one needs that desire and drive. It is the force that pushes us to excel. We all have it to different degrees. It also something that cannot be forced. This mysterious force exists as its' own entity in varying degrees of strength. Either you have it, or you don't.
It is a curious thing. We are taught to never be satisfied. Beginning in early childhood we are pushed to do " better. " An old adage I heard many times comes to mind, Good,Better,Best, never let it rest, until your good is better, and your better is best. That was usually followed by, no matter how good you get, someone is always better. Mixed message ? You bet. When I was young we didn't receive rewards or certificates nearly as often as the children do now. They did, in my opinion, hold a little more prestige than they do in today's world. We were also taught to not brag about your accomplishments. That wasn't polite or an attractive trait to have.
Do you want to be defined by your accomplishments ? Recognition of talent is not the same thing as being defined by it. I think the real satisfaction comes from the doing of the task. To have done whatever it is and to have done it well. To know, in your own mind, that you have accomplished a task to your own satisfaction. And knowing that, you are pleased. Are we not our own harshest critic ? That is what we were being taught all those years ago. And in so doing the destination was set. The drive is up to us.

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