Friday, September 7, 2012


I went to back to school night with my grand daughter. The annual meet the teacher and look at my desk routine. She is already in fourth grade, so it won't be much longer before this ritual will be part of the past. I have become quite familiar with the elementary school over the years. I know the location of everything and most of the teachers. I know where the media center is. I still call it the library. The cafeteria is much the same as the one I remember from my own school days. This one does have the stage on one end. And of course the gym. They have a nice little playground with all the usual equipment, swings, a jungle gym and monkey bars.
This year in Morgans' classroom they have the new " smartboard " system. This device takes the place of the chalkboard. A marvel of technology. I asked her teacher for a demonstration of its' capabilities and I admit I was impressed. Run from her laptop I could see where this tool could provide a rich experience to the classroom. With a touch of her finger the teacher can connect to the internet and Google. From there all things are accessible. No question unanswered. Pictures of the students can be displayed and nothing gets children attention more than seeing things about themselves. Well, not just children like that.
No more chalkboard. That object is fast becoming a relic of the past. The dry erase board had a short lived career. Now this smart board has burst upon the scene. It looks like an overhead projector on steroids to me. Somehow a little imposing and almost intimidating in its' appearance. I tried to imagine what could be next. Will we soon have desks that interface with the smart board ? The students interacting via keyboard or touch screen ? I'm sure it is possible right now and only cost being a prohibiting factor.
All this modern technology is a sight to behold for us Grand parents. I have bemoaned the loss of the chalk board relating how we used to clap the erasers. Ask any elementary student today to clap the erasers and see what response you get. Progress I suppose as I am told chalk dust is hazardous. Time and technology advances. But I did note one thing that I am glad to see unchanged. Hanging there proudly, just to the right of that smart board, was the American flag. At the beginning of the back to school night the principle of the school came on the public address system. " Let us pause and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. "  I looked at the students in attendance, their hands placed over their hearts as they recited the Pledge. Now that is one thing I hope never changes in Greensboro Elementary. I hear it has in others and that is sad. May Greensboro Elementary continue this tradition forever.
I Pledge Allegiance

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