Saturday, September 8, 2012


We have all heard of the empty nest syndrome. I can't honestly say I've ever experienced that. Oh, I had children alright, but I was gone from home most of their juvenile lives. When they left to embark on their own life journey, I bid them farewell and good luck. I missed having them around but can't say I felt any anxiety. Life goes on and so it has. The grand kids came along and I am fortunate to have at least some of them right here with me. The grand daughter that lives in New York I see rarely, but think of her daily. Maybe having those children right here has spared me from the empty nest thing. Believe me, the nest has been full ! And I wouldn't want it any other way.
As I was sitting here at my computer, bored, I began looking around. My wife has been rearranging the furniture, as women are apt to do, and so I began noticing things again. You know how after things have been in a certain spot for a period of time they begin to blend in ? Doesn't matter if it is pictures, knick knacks, or books on shelves. They all become part of the homescape. Can't say landscape, I live indoors. Then another thought occurred to me. One of those random thoughts. As I looked at some of the objects I have around me I wondered if I was feathering my nest ? The things I have surrounding me are all familiar and comforting in some fashion. Even the latest things added to the decor. Old photographs and objects brought down from the attic. Men tend to leave things alone, I think. At least I do. I resist changes in my environment. My wife will tell you it is because I'm too lazy to help move the furniture, but that is not the case. ( That's my story )
No, I think women inherently want new and different things. They like changes. One of the things that make them different from men. Maybe is it related somehow to having children. New life, and bringing in something new. I don't know. In my experience women never lose this desire, even after they " change ". But now I'm venturing into dangerous ground so think I'll leave this track. With age comes some measure of wisdom.
On another level though maybe it has nothing to do with all that. Maybe it has to do with aging. As we age we discover what is most important in life. It is not the possessions we have, but rather love and memories shared. You can't buy that at Staples. Could be that is why I have begun bringing those objects out of the dark corners and the dust of the attic. I have just had those objects on layaway. The time has come to retrieve them. Payment has been made.
In my younger years I put those items away. They had lost their immediate appeal. And isn't that the way it is in our youth ? We want everything and we want it now. How quickly we become bored and complacent with those things. If we are lucky, we have the forethought to store them. To just put them on layaway. Years go by and through the travails of life we pay our dues. At some point we begin to withdraw those things. To bring them out and enjoy them for what they really are. A part of the past, a part of our lives. In the end we get the greatest enjoyment from these things. We extract the memories and love held within them. Treasured objects and reminders. 

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