Thursday, September 27, 2012

The plain truth

Why is common sense becoming so uncommon ? Could it be all our advances in technology and strides in education are costing us the basic skill of common sense ? Are we simply over thinking and over analyzing everything ? I know I'm not the first to notice this trend nor the first to speak of it. The question is what can be done about it ? Recently I've seen a bumper sticker or poster saying, " you can't fix stupid." I can understand the truth in that statement but at least their is hope for some education. A lack of common sense however, is a different thing altogether. A lot of those lacking that skill have a great deal of education. It is a quandary.
The trend seems to be for every bad behavior, bad decision or inappropriate action there is a therapist or a medication. Watch an episode of the Dr. Phil show and you'll see what I mean. My wife enjoys this show, and like watching a train wreck, I just get drawn into it. I really don't want to watch but I find myself watching. Guess that is the appeal . At any rate, the good doctor always has an explanation for the behavior in question. The cure usually involves being sent to some center or another. Therapy. Most times a diagnosis of some kind of disorder. DR. Phil never actually works with them, he just sends them to the appropriate center. Never have I heard him just tell someone the simple unvarnished truth, you're an idiot !
Never had I heard him give the advice that some of these misguided individuals really need. You made your bed, now sleep in it ! Or, you will be held accountable for your actions and not be coddled or appeased with medications. No one is going to give you anything that you haven't earned. That includes respect.
My view is that most of these people just want attention. Like a child that cries, they have learned this. The more you pay attention to it, the more they continue. Simple. Common sense. No phd required to figure that out. My advice to them is also simple, be careful the attention you draw to yourself, it can be harmful as easily as helpful.
Yup, I believe in the old tried and true. Tough Love. I'll help you, I'll offer advice and share the benefits of my life experience with you. In the end however it is your choice to make. Your experience to live. You are accountable. Help will be forthcoming when it is necessary but not until you have tried to help yourself. The simple continuance of a behavior is not justification for a diagnosis of an illness. Sometimes,it is just a simple lack of common sense.

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