Saturday, September 15, 2012

Happiness and Contentment

Contentment and happiness. One and the same. If I'm contented with my situation in life, I am also happy. There are those that will try to destroy that happiness, whether by design or unwittingly, by insisting I should want more. Either I should want more money, more property, better health or some other thing. Every day we are bombarded by that concept in advertisements. We need this or that to make us happy. And if we are not striving toward those acquisitions we are not living up to our potential. It starts when we are very young and doesn't relent under we are very old. And even that time frame has been moved onward in these later years. Witness all the Senior products being advertised. Are we being set up for depression ?
Is it ever alright to just be content with what we already have ? Or, does that make me lazy or a never do well ? Lacking ambition ? Shouldn't I be happier ? It is a delicate balance, is it not ? The drive to improve oneself or improve the general condition of man is a noble cause. When do we become consumed by that cause ?
Fulfillment. That is the answer. When you have fulfilled your basic needs and desires then you can become content. You are the only person that can decide that. No matter what others would tell you, that is the answer. Some require a lot more than others to find that place. Each one of us would argue that we know the answer. It is not so, however. I can not truly know that about you. Even with your spouse or closest friends you can not know. It is very difficult to even know that about yourself ! Should I ever feel content ? Is that acceptable ? Under what conditions ?
There is a guilt instilled in us. We should always be striving to improve. Don't rest upon your laurels. If you have achieved material success in the world, you are obligated to share that. All the good people do. Do not be so concerned with your own happiness, that is a selfish gain. Share in everything. There are books written about this subject and religions based upon finding happiness and contentment. I say use them as a guide but only you know the final destination.
Happiness and contentment are fragile things. If you have them, protect them. Protect them with the same zeal you used to obtain them. As for me, I'm content in believing I have thus far made a positive contribution to society as a whole. Do I want more ? Sure, it is instilled in me. I have learned however, to be happy with the gifts I have been given. Yes, there are still obstacles before me. I will continue on. There are many things that make me happy. When am I the happiest ? When I allow myself to just rest upon my laurels and feel good about myself. Not basking in vanity or bragging about them. Just between myself and my God. That's happiness and contentment. 

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