Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fashion Dated

I have never been much of a follower of fashion. Even in my teen years I didn't particularly care about style. Normally I just went with what was comfortable and affordable. That being said I have noticed some fashions lately. Skinny jeans being one. I just recently discovered skinny jeans are being worn by guys as well as gals. Saw that in a posting and it just struck me as odd. I can't say I've ever paid much attention to what guys are wearing, save for that fashion where your pants look like they are falling off. Some of these so called fashion statements are quite questionable. Were during my days too.
The thing I have noticed lately is this wearing of fashion by, how should I  put this, generational separated individuals. What I'm trying to say is, is fashion dated ? Should we, of an older generation be wearing the young, hip fashions ? I'm thinking not. In a lot of cases it just comes off to me as, foolish. You are not kidding me. I can tell your age. It is not just the body type I refer too,although few us look as slim and fit as we used too, but I think it is more than that. I think a sense of fashion awareness should accompany our ages. When one has no hair on top and the sides are gray perhaps,just perhaps, the pony tail has seen its' day. Unless you are an aging rock star or a Native American it just looks foolish. Varicose veins and cargo shorts are also not a good combination.
Now I'm not saying one can't be aware of fashion. I'm not saying all new fashions are bad. I'm just saying I think we need to weigh the merit of each against our ages and body type. When the mid drift is larger than the chest, tube tops may not be a good choice. And skinny jeans do not actually make you skinny. Muscle tees really only work when you have muscles. At least when the muscle is still in the accepted areas, I mean.
It just leads me to question the thinking of the person sporting this new look. Does your mirror reflect something different that what I am seeing ? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,that much is true, but in some situations it is better to look with the eyes and not the heart. God bless you for your young spirit but a little discretion please. And then there is the question of getting new " ink " on an old canvas. You know, maybe that ship has sailed. The "sea " looks a little choppy if you catch my drift ? Just sayin'.
And so all of this leads to the question, is Fashion Dated ? I would have to say fashion in and of itself is not, but fad certainly is. With age one should come to recognize the difference. Settling on a fashion era is another topic altogether. I'll just continue the way I always have. Right now I'm sporting the " classic " look. At least that is what I keep telling myself.

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