Thursday, September 20, 2012

Talking about it

It seems to me in today's world we are getting caught up discussing the minutia of life. Each and every little detail and nuance. I find it taxing and wearing. I have become weary of it all. A little less talk and a little more doing, please ! It is far better to do have done something wrong, than to have done nothing at all.
I wonder if this is a reaction to all the lawsuits being filed. Are we becoming so concerned with correctness that we are getting nothing done ? Or is it something else ? Are we just becoming lazy ? As long as we talk about what we plan to do, we think we are doing something. Is it that it makes us feel important ?
We have all heard it said, " fools rush in where wise men fear to tread. " There is a certain amount of logic in that statement." I can't disagree with the wisdom. But on the other hand, I had a neighbor that said to me, understanding it isn't doing it, doing it is doing it. Can't argue with that homespun logic either.
This disease of inaction needs to be reversed. It has spread to all levels. Look at Congress for an example. How much are they getting done ? No one wants to make a decision. Few want to make the stand. It seems to me those that take a stand today, stand a good chance of being ridiculed. Unless that stand is in agreement with the vast majority of public opinion, look out ! So it is far easier to just keep talking ( in discussions ) and blame others for the inaction. We form focus groups to study the issue. Polls are taken. Statistics gathered and analyzed. And then we form a committee, because when committees make a decision no one person has to bear the blame. We take a secret ballot to protect ourselves.
Please, just get the facts, make a choice and go with it ! Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead. Be bold in your actions or languish in obscurity. Your choice. Think about it and talk some more.

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