Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I have received an E-mail from a distant relative in Sweden. I had heard from him earlier in the year. All our lives are so different,each one of us busy living it. I am so excited about this development. I can not wait to establish a writing relationship. A sort of Pen Pal thing. But a link to the past. My Grandmother emigrated from Sweden when she was just sixteen years old. Seldom did she speak about her homeland. Just a snipet or two about holiday customs or going to school. I am anxious to learn more.
Already Gunnar is teaching me about Swedish culture and customs. We have begun with the family tree. A natural place to begin. The way the Swedish people derive their names is interesting. It is not like in America where it is a straightforward affair. Not at all. You take the first name, the name used for Christening,say that choice was Ben. Then taking the fathers first name you add son. Say my fathers name was Ben. I would then become known as Ben Bensson or the son of Ben. I still have much to learn of this practice and whether it's still in practice today. That it lead to much confusion is evident. My own Grandmother had her last name changed to Hagberg before she emigrated. Her name was Olsson but her father felt there were just too many Olssons ! Changed it to Hagberg.
Gunnar has mentioned that he has read some of my blogs. Now how cool is that ? A distant relative living on another continent, reading my words. My Grandmother would certainly be astonished. Well, anyone from her time would be. I'm surprised myself. Gunnar,like a lot of Europeans can obviously read and write English. We Americans are not always so bi-lingual. He tells me he has studied Psycology and worked in that field. Guess I better be careful choosing my words. Well,it may be too late if he reads some of my earlier postings. LOL He may be chuckling even now, that crazy American Ben !
I am looking forward to more conversations with him. I would like to learn of his family and life. What it is like to live in Sweden and his perceptions of America. I wonder if he has ever visited our country. In my Navy days I never got to visit Sweden but did visit Norway. Both scandinavian nations. One thing I do know for certain is that no matter where you go in the world people are basically the same. Customs and culture are different, but not the soul of men. We share our common humanity. If we all could establish our relationships between people and nations what a wonderful world we could create. Have we strayed too far from family ? Let us reunite. 

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