Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Calling

Every now and again I hear a person speak of hearing their calling. How they were called to a higher purpose or called to their occupation. A mysterious voice or desire filled them. They knew right then what they were to do in life. Their goal was clear to them. Surely these people are blessed. How much easier it must be to know what your purpose is rather than just flounder about. I can see where it might also be a burden.
As for me,for the most part, the only calling I've ever heard was being called for supper or called upon to do something. A lot of the time I wouldn't even call it a calling, more like a yelling. Boy,get over here and mow the grass. Hey, get to work. That's the calling I'm hearing.
I do believe reach of us are here for a reason. We each have a contribution to make. A higher purpose. Maybe those of us that don't know what that purpose is are the really gifted ones. Maybe our purpose is so important, so vital to the working of the universe that we can not know or understand. Yeah, that must be it.
We need to " just do it. " Our mission is so important that we could not be allowed to influence the outcome in any way.
That is not to say I'm not listening. I am. I'm waiting and listening for the call. The call to greatness. Hope it includes a lot of money too. I could use that. I'm thinking I would like to be called to write. To do just what I'm doing right now, only better. And to get paid to do it, or at least quoted occasionally. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I would love to be called to play baseball but I'm afraid there is no " senior league " major league clubs. I'll keep listening though.
In a larger sense you could say I've already answered the call. Just my luck it was a telemarketer. Let's just say the product wasn't all it could have been. My bad. I do recall my grade school teachers saying, you need to apply yourself young man, just buckle down and do your work. I wasn't listening. I am now.

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