Monday, August 6, 2012

One more tick

All the fun things of summer are over. The fun things are the things the Grandchildren do. That's my fun these days. I'm not complaining, just explaining. They have both been to camp. Mark has had his big adventure attending the Junior National Leadership Conference. A week in D.C.  Sleepovers have been enjoyed. Smores cooked. And so we shift into the back to school mode. I, along with everyone else, wonder where the summer went.
Went out to do a little shopping yesterday. I was overwhelmed with Pilgrims and Pumpkins ! I have been seeing the back to school stuff for a while but wasn't prepared for Thanksgiving. Yes, there was some Halloween stuff haunting the fringes. Can Santa be far behind ? It's all about marketing. The marketing is draining all the fun and excitement out of the holidays. That's the way I see it anyway. Could we please just wait until after labor day for Thanksgiving ?
Soon the pattern of everyday life will change once again. Reverting back to the fall/winter routine. Oh, it will be a little different this year because Mark will start middle school. He will be leaving earlier and so his sister will be riding the bus alone. A slight modification to the schedule of the past. Just an indicator of time and its' passing. At a certain age you start to observe that. Just when you go from looking forward to the passage of time, to watching it pass you, is unclear to me. I think it happened somewhere in my fifties.
I'm sad to see the summer pass. Not that I'm a big beach fan or anything but summer does have advantages. More daylight and more opportunities for some outdoor fun. More people out and about. With the coming of the winter months I'll be spending more time in the cave. Less contact with the outside world. I dislike the cold. Snow is pretty to look at but my desire to roll around in it has long since passed.
Just where has the summer gone ? It is fast fading away into memory. Other than Marks' conference there was nothing remarkable about this one. Just another tick on the celestial clock.

1 comment:

  1. Ben...I went to Hobby Lobby in June,and they already had Christmas ornaments out for sale! The Christmas trees were in the process of being erected as well.I was pretty surprised!I've never seen it that early before....didn't like it much either!
