Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Speak Up

With the election campaigns heating up the rhetoric is definitely being cranked up. Name calling and accusations. It is getting quite messy already. And both parties are using current tragic events to try to further their causes. I listen to the candidates but really they say little of substance. I can't help but wonder, where have the great speech makers gone ?
Consider the great speakers, General George S Patton comes to mind, Abraham Lincoln comes to mind, John F Kennedy comes to mind. Ronald Reagan was called the great communicator. Martin Luther King and Franklin Roosevelt with his fireside chats. Now all I hear is negative comments about the opponents and a bunch of dribble. Is there no one that can speak ? No one to inspire ?
Irregardless of party affiliation I do enjoy a good speaker. A candidate that has a message that you can believe. I don't want to hear what the other person has done wrong but rather what we can do better. I want to hear words of encouragement. A rousing speech that ignites a passion in you. But not a passion to do harm, a passion for the good. It just seems to me the candidates are so busy being political correct these days they have forgotten to be political. State your beliefs and your intended course of action and let the votes fall where they may. The citizens of this,the greatest nation on earth, have always chosen wisely. That is why our democracy has survived. We deserve to know the heart and soul of our candidates ! I demand it.
Yes, what we need is a candidate to galvanize the nation. And I'm telling you one great speech can do it !
It is my feeling that the candidates running for the greatest office in the land are doing so for the wrong reasons. They are doing it for prestige,glory, power and just plain old ego. They have the money and backing of powerful men. They are being pushed into the ring. What we need is a " Rocky ". A candidate with the skills who just needs a chance. A chance to say, " Adrian, I did it. " A champion to inspire our nation and its' people. Honest, brave and true. Where is this candidate ? He is waiting somewhere in the heartland, waiting for his shot. Speaking his truth and more importantly, living that truth. I hope that I get to see this person. I hope I get to hear a good speech !

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