Thursday, August 2, 2012

Not !

There are some things I've come to realize that I will never do. One of them is wear a helmet while riding a bicycle. They have passed regulations about that. Under sixteen, wear a helmet. Protecting the children I suppose. Ok, not a bad idea and one I don't have issue with. I will not wear one, ever. Like the old hockey players I'm just going to grandfather myself in. Besides, I think it just looks ridiculous pedaling my single speed cruiser. I believe I can handle the speed and have enough control to not fall over. I may be old, but I'm not feeble.
I will never,ever stick a telephone in my ear ! I will not walk around with a star trek looking device in my ear and appear to be talking to myself. Carrying a cell phone in my pants pocket is as close as I'll get. No holsters strapped to my belt with the phone poised like I'm in a gunfight.
I will not use the self checkout at any store. If you want my money you must take it from me personally ! Let me reiterate, if you want my money you must take it personally. It is only common courtesy and a little thing I call customer service.
Not that I would ever buy a car so equipped, but I would never let a car park itself. There is no way I would trust any computer to control my vehicle. I have used cruise control and find that to be nerve racking enough. Forget about it.
I will never ever wear one of those pouches around my waist. You know the ones. Geeky !! No way.
I will never color,dye  or alter my hair color. I'm grey and will stay that way.
I will not use hand sanitizer ! Washing them is sufficient.
I will not wear crocs or sandals of any kind. Never have, never will.
And one more thing I've come to realize about myself, I will never learn to just keep my opinions to myself !


  1. Except for the sandals, I'm 100% with you on your statements!

  2. Have you seen the latest trend in parenting? Apparently they now have helmets for toddlers to wear when learning to walk so they don't bump their heads. Why don't we just wrap the kid in bubble wrap while were are it.
