Thursday, August 30, 2012

Chain Letters and Guilt trips

I and millions of others around the world enjoy this social media,we call Facebook. For the most part the posts are interesting or funny. There are the sad ones that tell of lose. And there are the appeals for support. But the ones becoming more prevalent and annoying to me are those chain letters (posts) and the guilt trips. Believe me, I've heard enough guilt trips in my life already. I have a Mother and a wife !  In my younger days I'll even admit to self inflicted guilt,waking up to realize I'd done something foolish, but we are not going there !
I suppose I'm guilty of just not caring or having the proper amount of empathy. I don't always repost,even though you think you know who will, or will not, do so. Sometimes, I don't care if you do know. If I posted everything I saw about that, for just an hour, that's all that would be on. Is there a point to all of that ? Do I really need to post that I wish we could cure cancer ? And just how long is National " insert cause here " month ? I get those every day and have for several months. Mostly it is the same cause. And I really don't believe anyone is getting anything every time I click like. Label me a skeptic, call me uncaring but I'm not buying that. So guess what, no clicks for you !
Years ago, back in the reaches if time, we would occasionally get a chain letter. These letters would just arrive mysteriously and threaten our happiness. If they were not forwarded within a set amount of time, doom and gloom time, baby. I threw every one of those chain letters in the trash. I'm here and I'm typing. Of course, maybe if I hadn't thrown them out and forwarded them all diligently, my life would be different today. Maybe I would be living in a mansion on a hill, just rolling in money. Fame,wealth and happiness may have been mine, but I threw it anyway. Well maybe the fame and wealth part anyway. I'm a pretty happy guy.
Now these posts pop up to threaten me once again. I Support adding a "ignore " button. I have no comment. I don't dislike the sentiment but feel no need to share either. So, I just want to ignore it. Thing is those chain letters and guilt trips are persistent rascals. I know I should be deeply concerned with the endangered walla walla bug and they need my support and I feel guilty for not sharing and caring. I should be pressing like to feed the homeless Veterans all day, every day. I should be reposting all these things to show the world my caring and compassionate side. To show all of Facebook what a caring and loving person I am but I don't.
Oh the shame and guilt of it all. Now, where is that ignore button.

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