Friday, August 17, 2012

Culling through the memories

I have,over time,become the steward of a number of old photographs and  memorabilia. These items have been handed down through the family. Most I have grown up. Pictures from my fathers scrapbook during his wartime service. Family photographs. Small articles and bits of memories here and there. Pieces of my childhood and pieces from my parents and grandparents. We all grew up in the same town, those three generations. I, along with my sister and brothers have moved on. My children have never seen those places in the photographs. They know little of the people . Just the stories from an aging man who likes to reminisce. My children have there own set of memories. Their own locations and people. When I myself was younger, these things didn't hold quite the significance they do today. They remained out of sight and seldom spoken of. By the time I rediscovered these treasures my own children had moved out. I do share them with the grand kids. They are good kids and show at least a passing interest. More than I expected and I am grateful.
Thinking about these things I came to realize something. It seems like a simple statement once you spell it out but it is much more. At some point, our memories become history. Sounds self explanatory and somewhat morose but it is a truth. A majority of the photographs I treasure would have little or no meaning to my children or grandchildren. They have never seen these locations and have no memory associated with them. Same with the people. Whereas the grand kids have met my brothers and sister, it was only once or twice. They will not remember them thirty years from now. My memorabilia is the same. Some cool old junk to others but I have attachments to each piece. And so at some point in time these items will be culled. Gone through and resigned to history. Nameless faces, forgotten landscapes and dusty old objects. A source of curiosity or indifference.
I can't help but wonder what will become of them. Will they find a place in the home of my descendants or end up in a junk shop ? There are places to send these old memories where they will be loved and cared for. That's what a museum does. A repository of dreams and memories. Old family photographs are a different thing altogether. What of them ? I have many that I ,of course, never met these people but know they are my ancestors. When looking at the picture I can feel a connection. So perhaps that connection is never lost. It is a sad thing to think that my life will one day be shifted through. What is treasure and what is junk. I'm sure no matter the choice I would take issue. But the choice will not be mine ! Doesn't mean I can't try to influence that decision while I can. I Am a creature of sentiment. 

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I fear the same things, Ben. I think,if families don't want the collections of stuff and family photos, that they should be shipped off to a museum..and/or a library in the place where those people were known.
