Wednesday, March 7, 2012

That's why Girls aren't Medics

Just a little embarrassing story from my past. This would have been about 1963 of 4. At the end of the dirt road where I lived there was a rental house. At this time a family named Hulse lived there. There was a boy my own age,Teddy, and his sister.The sister,whose name escapes me now, was quite a bit older. I struck up a friendship with Teddy and we played together all the time. Our favorite thing at this time was playing Army. Teddy and I battled the Germans and Japanese for hours on end. We fought them in the woods.We fought them in the open fields. We fought them inside the house. Almost always we fought alone. On one occasion however his older sister was home and joined in. That is where the situation developed.
We had been engaged in a protracted struggle for control of the blockhouse.( His Bedroom). It was an epic battle. I was attempting to make the final charge when I was wounded ! It was a serious head wound and needed immediate medical attention. Teddy was hollering for a medic when his sister appeared on the scene. We agreed she was no medic but a nurse would have to do. Remember this is 1963 medics are men. And so she played along with our little game. I managed to crawl to the aid station ( her bedroom). Then this nurse,this angel of mercy, tended my wound. She applied a bandage to the wound. Direct pressure works best for stopping the lose of blood. And just what did she use for a bandage ? Yup, a sanitary napkin ! I had no idea what this objects' primary function was. Never gave it a thought truth be told. Figured every aid station had these things. At any rate I was back in action.
Just about the time I returned to the battle field I heard the General calling. ( Mom). No matter what the situation when the General calls ,you answer. So off I went at a dead run for home. I could see Mom standing on the front porch waving at me to hurry up. As I raced into the front yard Mom starts saying,what do have on your, but never finishes the sentence ! Instead she starts hollering, get that off your head,get inside the house,right now ! I was puzzled. What did I do ? I came right when she called. I hadn't done anything but apparently I'm in trouble for something.
All that was ever said after that was for me to never put that on my head again. When I asked why, I got the standard answer,because I said so. Didn't make much sense to me but I could tell Mom was upset.
It was some years later before I knew the "rest of the story." Aw, well things happen. Did the " Nurse " think it was funny ? Probably. Guess she had a laugh at my expense. That's why Girls aren't medics !


  1. I also believe you once used the Carbboard tampon applicator as logs for your dump truck.

  2. Funny! We actually carry them on the ambulance because they happen to make great bandages....this girl proved that women are in fact the BEST medics! LOL

  3. Hahahaha....oh Ben! Only a boy! But, just so you know, my husband also kept them in the first aid kit which he always carried in his truck, and it's a good thing. While working in Clearwater one day, he was pruning a tree with a chain saw. Accidents do happen,and did, on that day. The chainsaw cut the branch, and went on toward his left arm. Fortunately it cut only the outer layers of his skin, rather than giving him an amputation! Still it bled furiously, so, he placed the napkin on his wound, wrapped it and drove himself to the doctor, where he received 30 stitches. As you can see,those 'unmentionables' are good for guys too!
