Friday, March 2, 2012

Self Serving

I've been writing this blog for awhile now. It has become some what of a habit. My day doesn't seem right until I've posted something. Sometimes it is easy and others it is a strain. Yet I somehow feel almost compelled to do it. Often I wonder if anyone finds my comments useful,amusing or just the ramblings of a madman. I occasionally receive comments and always appreciate that.
Over this time I have figured some things out. People generally like nostalgia.Write about old things or the old days and it is favorable. If you include a picture that also helps. The one thing I have noticed more than anything else is this; tell people what they already know. People reading articles or blogs tend to like having their own opinions and beliefs reaffirmed. It is just human nature I suppose. We all like people to agree with us. I'm certainly no exception. When I get a comment that may be a little negative I tend to make excuses. They must not have understood completely what I was saying. Sometimes I know it is my fault I should have explained more fully. I wonder why it is I don't assume I may be wrong. Now that's a different concept ! LOL
Each morning, and I generally write this thing first thing , I sit at my desk and sip my coffee. Sometimes I know exactly what I want to write about and others I sit for awhile thinking. Each time I'm hoping to write something of interest or at the very least give someone a chuckle. I'm certainly hoping I don't sound too foolish or condescending. I hate condescending ! Then I try to not be too controversial. I don't want to sound like a nut ! Maybe it is too late for that but as long as people continue reading I guess that's alright.
I have found that putting your thoughts or memories in print can alter your own perceptions. What sounded good in my head doesn't come out the same on paper. Writing it out forces you to explain a little more fully. I think I have gained some insight into certain areas of my life by this process. It is a good thing. There is probably some therapist out there charging hundreds,if not thousands, of dollars to have you do just that.
Writing therapy ! I'd better get a patent on that concept.
I have reached a conclusion. All authors write out of a self serving desire. I write this blog because I enjoy writing it, that is true. But I also enjoy the comments I receive. No matter how many or how few. I feel a sense of satisfaction or I feel reaffirmed ! If I could not publish this on the internet and reach an " audience " would I still write it ? Probably not. I need the encouragement. I wonder what other authors motives are. Especially the famous ones. Did they write for fame ? Did they write for fortune ? Was it their plan all along or did it just happen that way ? I started writing this as a means of recording my thoughts and memories for future generations. I thought,and still do, that it would be a great thing for the Grandchildren to have to possibly share with their children. These are the words of Great Grandfather. Not stories about him but his words. That was my original motivation. Now I'm thinking I'm doing it more for myself than anyone else.
Hmm. I'm human after all.

1 comment:

  1. Writing for therapy, huh? there's a good subject for one of my blogs. Thanks for the inspiration, Ben!
    BTW, I love reading your blogs! Keep up the serves your readers too!
