Wednesday, July 3, 2024

what they want

  Just what did the Supreme court rule? They ruled that the office of president of the United States comes with some protections. What they didn't say was the president is immune from all prosecution. They didn't say the office was above the law, similar to the immunities afforded congress. The President is free to carry out his function as the CEO without fear of arrest! The real issue here is in defining just what the core function/actions are. It is like attempting to make a list of right and wrong, or writing a tax code. Everyone will have a different opinion, a different idea. The tax code covers 70,000 pages and is constantly being changed. How many pages on morality and what is moral and ethical are there? Has to be in the millions of pages. The task of writing down every action the President may or may not take is an impossible one. 
  Why has this come about at this point in time? It's a response to the weaponization of the justice department by the Biden administration. That's the underlying cause. It's the Trump must not be allowed to run for office mentality. It sure seems to me the Democrats are convinced he will win given all the effort to exclude him from the race. The events of Jan 6 are in the center of this storm of litigation. Despite the media calling it such, despite what anyone on the left has to say, it was not an insurrection. In legal terms, by any legal definition it was not an insurrection. Not one arrest contained that word. No one has been charged with insurrection. No court of law has ever declared it as such. I don't care if you like it or not that is just the simple truth of the matter. 
 I really have a hard time understanding why there are those that support Biden given his mental condition. How could anyone possibly want that man to have access to the nuclear codes? Well because the truth is the president can actually do very little on his own. He does have to have support from congress. The really big decisions aren't simply left up to the president. What is left up to the president is taking responsibility for those decisions. That responsibility doesn't include being criminally charged when things don't work out the way a certain party wanted them too. That applies to republicans and democrats equally. Should Kennedy have been charged for the Bay of Pigs fiasco? Almost got into a nuclear exchange with Russia! Should Clinton have been charged for Mogadishu? 18 dead American soldiers and 73 wounded. He ordered all of that. Or are they just "core" decisions being made by the president.
 Why isn't Biden being charged with all the deaths occurring as a result of his border policies? We all know the stream of illegal drugs and illegals are driving those numbers. There is no doubt his policies are allowing this to happen, one might say encouraging it with the promise of "sanctuary" in the United States. How often do to hear his proclamations about a path to citizenship? I'd say that was enticing others to "come on down" and see if you can win the prize. Oh, that's right it is his decision, and he has every right to do that. No issue with any of that. It's a core function of the presidency. Why shouldn't he be arrested and charged for any of that? 
 No matter how you feel about this decision by the court the reality is, the president is afforded some immunity. I can see this becoming a constant state of litigation. Each party will now begin to challenge every decision made by the president whenever it doesn't suit them. Thing is the president really doesn't get to simply decide on anything without the other branches of government having input to that decision. Even executive orders issued under the authority of Article Two of the constitution has limitations, they can be overruled, nullified by congress. The vast majority of executive orders are proposed to the president by various agencies, including the congress. He isn't just sitting there thinking those things up, he just decides whether he agrees to that action or not. Really not that much different then you getting permission from your mom or your wife. Can you get the president to agree? 
 The bottom line is this ruling by the court does not open any door for anyone to become a dictator. It doesn't eliminate the Constitution, the Bill of Rights or anything else. The Republic is still intact and will remain that way. The only party wanting to disarm the citizenry is the democrats. It's worth noting that the first step in establishing a dictatorship is to disarm the citizens! 
 Makes me think, and it should you as well. Disarm the population, create a dependence on government for basic needs like food, medicine and housing and you are well on your way. Overwhelm the resources of the people to gain control. Soon rationing becomes necessary. You do that by not restricting anything, not limiting anything, just allow the people to dig that hole for themselves! Control the president and you can control the nation. Joe is easy enough to control, give him an ice cream, keep him from wandering off and he'll do and say whatever he is told. 
 With Biden the trouble is in understanding what he is saying! The trouble with Trump is knowing exactly what he is saying! Those are the left really hate that. That could ruin all their plans. Well because if trump gets elected, he becomes dictator! And we all know that Trump is just mean, hurts people's feelings and doesn't always play nice. And what's worse he will try to do exactly what he says he intends to do. What kind of politician is that? He's out of control! The only thing stopping him now is the Constitution, the legislative and judicial branches of government. Well, unless we can keep him off the ballot that is. He must be disqualified at all costs, even if that means losing the republic! Socialism can take its' place. That's just fine with the left. It's what they want anyway.  

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