Wednesday, July 24, 2024


  It's been decided, Harris will receive the nomination from the DNC. The primary election is now null and void. Ya'll might just as well as stayed home. Your vote doesn't matter. The 25th amendment was used as a club. It didn't have to actually be used, the threat was enough, to get the job done. The ultimatum was clear, bow out or get thrown out. The democratic leadership, out of kindness I suppose gave old Joe an option. Bow out and save face, and possibly a few favors thrown in to boot, or just be removed in disgrace. Just like the song Pancho and Lefty, the federales only let him get away, out of kindness. Biden can retire to his home in Delaware and slowly fade from sight. The ugly business with Hunter will also disappear. You see that's the thing with dementia, no one can really predict the future, how long the inevitable will take. Yes, it is a sad ending regardless of your political views.
  Will Harris really be given the green light to choose her vice president? I can't see that happening. There are those pulling the strings that I'm certain have their own plans for that office. Harris served her purpose on the ticket, helping get the vote out for Joe. She did prove useful in that regard. As to her actual abilities to govern, to make the big decisions, that is in serious question. But just as with Joe, the president won't really be making those decisions just announcing them. Oh, she will be credited, that's a part of the deal, but she won't really have the final say. Her legacy will be, I was the first! And we all know how important that is to the democrats, they have to be the first. Biden certainly hired/appointed a number of "firsts" in his administration. I don't think I need to name them. 
  I have heard Harris speaking a bit already. All I heard her say is that far left rhetoric. The line about women having reproductive rights. We all know she just means killing babies on demand. What she is saying is engaging in sex without having to bear any responsibility for that choice. Just terminate! And of course, free stuff for everyone, especially those that are minorities of any kind. She claims to be three or four minorities alone! Harris is all aboard the democratic policy of appeasement. That's their leadership style, promise you the world! You are free to do exactly as you please without consequences as long as you continue to vote the way you are told. The party leadership will tell you what to think! They are already telling you who your candidate for president is going to be, just get with the program.
  Tonight, Joe is supposed to speak to us from the oval office. He is going to explain this "choice." I expect he will just talk about his service to the nation since 1973. Probably won't explain how he managed to amass a wealth of 9 million dollars while doing that though. Or why he voted twice to tax social security benefits. That was just about the only thing he did as a Senator. He ran for president back in 87 but had to drop out due to plagiarism. In the 2007-8 campaign for president he had to drop out due to racially charged gaffes and his inability to even reach double digits in the polls. Obama won that contest if you remember that and choose Biden to be his second. Biden resigned from the Senate to become the vp. A little gift for his cooperation perhaps? Joe has continued to cooperate until he wouldn't. Then he was forced out. Tonight, we will see a bitter, angry old man, stabbed in the back by his own party. Well, you reap what you sow. The harvest is now. 

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