Monday, July 8, 2024

What if

  If Trump wins. That is central to the campaign being waged by the Democrats. The impression I get is that they feel almost certain that he will. I'm certainly not hearing any great message about what the democratic party has to offer the voting public. All I'm hearing is, if Trumps wins. It's strikingly similar to what was being said when Abraham Lincoln was running for president. No, I wasn't around for that campaign, but I have read history books and know the story. Lincoln, the republican party and their designs for the future of America. Sure did upset the democrats back then, enough to start a war about! Although Lincoln had made clear he had no plans to abolish slavery, he never said that at any time, he did want to increase federal power somewhat. Didn't make any difference what Lincoln said, the die was cast. 
  In 1861 when Lincoln won the presidency, he told those southern states they were under no obligation to destroy to government, but he had one to protect and preserve one! The southern democrats fired on Fort Sumter, Lincoln called for 70,000 volunteers and the civil war began. It holds true to this day that the Democrats are under no solemn obligation to destroy our government, but the President is under one to preserve it. This time around the democrats are not seceding from the union, but rather attempting to keep the republican candidate from even being on the ballot. Well because, if Trump wins. 
  And what if Trump wins? To hear the democrats tell it our entire way of life will be forever changed. Democracy is lost! Yeah well, the truth is a constitutional republic will be saved if Trump wins. The Democrats have always championed this idea of a simple democracy. A government where a simple majority rules. And that works really well when you are the controlling party in government. Democracy, a simple democracy isn't so great when you aren't. That is when you launch your campaign of fear. And that is exactly what this campaign is.
  Remember in the early days of Covid? What was the president saying? Yes, it was Donald Trump. He was talking about alternatives, he was looking to identify the source of the virus and looking to hold people to account. There was no panic, no doomsday messages. All that took place after Biden gains office. Then we had the lockdowns, the loss of jobs, the masking, the social distancing the days of gloom and doom. Thousands of respirators were produced, we were told of trailers being used as morgues and storage for dead bodies. A vaccine was developed and distributed by federal mandates! Those refusing to be vaccinated were discharged from military service, ostracized and isolated. The campaign was underway, the campaign of fear! Booster after booster, warnings and regulations. You were told you were going to die if you didn't comply! That campaign continues. 
  But that isn't enough, what if Trump wins. Big business will get more tax breaks, the rich will only get richer. The climate stands no chance either, the republicans will destroy the planet. Immigration will be strictly controlled. Why existing laws on immigration will be enforced! And then where we will we get that cheap labor force we so desperately want? The republicans already took that away in 1863 with the emancipation proclamation! Not only that but the republicans passed the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments. All of that really hurt business for the democrats. What do you mean everyone gets equal treatment! Can't have that, we need to have a boss! 
  What if Trump wins? What if the government is run like a business. Now that scares the democrats more than anything else. Fiscal responsibility and accountability. Now that is scary. What do they do if they can't bribe the population with funds from the treasury? How are they going to get anything done like that. The democrats, those champions of empathy, diversity and inclusion. Well that became their policy following the civil war anyway. Sure, it took a hundred years or more following that loss to fully accept it but Johnson, good old LBJ, signed the civil rights acts of 1964. And today the Democrats only want the very best for everyone! Everyone that is a democrat anyway. 
  What if trump wins. Today if Trump wins the Supreme court needs to be abolished and disbanded, replaced by democrats. If Trump wins woman lose all control of their health! The government will not allow women to choose! If Trump wins people will have to work for a living! And what's even worse everyone gets treated the same way! You will be judged based on your performance, your history and your character. And not only that, the gender you were "assigned" is the gender you keep! You can play dress up, get surgeries, body modifications all you like, but the assignment remains. 
 If Trump wins people will have their feelings hurt. Some will no longer feel validated, feel included or valuable. Others will be forced to comply with the law and be held accountable for breaking those laws. But the scariest thing of all will be the patriots. Those people that are happy about Trump winning, happy about a return to business. People proud to be American, proud to defend the American values and traditions won against a tyrannical king! Those willing to take up arms to defend the nation. Those not afraid! That's the campaign of fear being waged. I, for one, am not afraid and will not be made to feel afraid. 
  Instead of being afraid, if Trump wins, you should be asking, what do the democrats have to offer? Biden? Does anyone actually believe he is making any important decisions. Does anyone actually believe he is presenting a strong leadership role to the rest of the world. Is anyone listening to him? You know that they are laughing at him laughing at America. There weren't laughing when Trump was in office. No, they took what he was saying dead serious. Can the democrats provide that? What candidate do they have other than Biden to offer the people. Harris. Would any other nation in the world listen to what she had a to say? And what do the democrats have to promise you. Socialism, that is what they are offering, socialism. Is that what you really want. I suppose if you are scared enough, any port in a storm will do. Are you that sacred, really? 
  Look I'm not so concerned if Trump wins, my concern is that Biden loses. That is what the nation needs. We need a return to the values and traditions that created this nation in the first place. Yes, in God we trust! Yes, you are free to worship your god, call him/her whatever name you like but we believe in a God. Our national morality is based in those Judeo/Christian principles taught to us by the bible. We believe you have to work for the things you need or want. 
 We believe in family! Yes, the traditional family structure that has shaped man since the beginning of time. We believe in defending our family first! We believe, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." That's what I believe.  The right to life, the right to live free from government oppression, and the right to make a living. That's what liberty means. Independence not dependence and fear. That's what I will vote for, regardless of party. 
  If Biden wins. I'll just have to wait for another four years and vote again. That's how it works in America. It's true I don't want him or the democratic party to remain in power. I do not agree with their agenda or their ideas. They are certainly entitled to them, but I don't have to agree with them. Like everyone else that has come before me and those that will follow, I am an observer of history. I have chosen my own path, carried the banner of whoever and whatever I support proudly. I'm an American. I support the party of Lincoln. I'm voting for that, not for Trump. Trump like everyone else will one day be gone, history, a distant memory. But our constitution will not! Not as long as there are Americans to preserve that. The constitution hasn't changed and that is what I'm voting to save. The only thing that scares me is the loss of that document. Only one party today insisting on "modifying" it, making changes. I can't vote for that. 

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