Monday, July 1, 2024

A pivotal moment

  Following the debacle that was the presidential debate the rhetoric is ramping up. Rumor has it that serious talks are going to take place at Camp David regarding the future of old Joe. It is shaping up to be an intervention. It is blatantly obvious he is no longer fit to lead. Despite every effort made that can't be hidden any longer. It's quite the quandary for the Democrats. No one believes Kamala could win the presidency. Fact is, even among the Democrats no one wants her to be the president. She was useful for securing the female vote, useful for the black votes, but her usefulness is over. 
  The problem now is getting Joe to agree to a new plan. He certainly isn't willing to quit. I get it, as much as I dislike his politics, I understand the position he is in. No one wants to admit to being mentally incapable. It's one thing if something physical happens, no shame in that. But to have to admit to a mental issue is quite another. As I said, I get it. I know what I'm talking about it's others that are confused. It is a sad thing to witness but it has to be acknowledged. What to do? You begin by having his wife talk to him. You have to get Jill on board this train. If she can get him to agree, what then?
  Who could the Democrats offer as an alternative? You know as far-fetched as it sounds Michele Obama could conceivably run. Just who could they choose? At this late a date I can think of no one with the recognition necessary. Newsome or Buttigieg? Those are possibilities if Biden just chooses not to run. What the Democrats need to have happen is Biden resign the office. In that way Harris becomes president and the party loyalists gather around her. She could carry the torch for poor old Joe who tried his best but family matters and failing health betrayed him. But he's a survivor, Harris is a survivor, and the party will struggle on! It's all for the common man, the minorities, the downtrodden, marginalized members of our society. It's free everything for everyone! We mustn't allow the bad orange man to win! 
  I'm not much on conspiracy theories. I do think if I were Joe, I would be a bit nervous though. Unfortunate things have been known to happen. Should something occur that forces him to resign that would be the easiest path. Joe leaves with dignity, Harris fills the space and takes her directions from the powers that placed her there. Being the first female president is certainly a giant feather in your cap, a place in history. It would be worth just playing along for certain. Two Kennedys were removed from the picture, it isn't unheard of. These are powerful people after all. A little slip up with the medications perhaps? Things happen. 
  It is a pivotal moment in history, as cliche as that sounds. We the people are between the proverbial rock and a hard space. No way should Joe Biden continue as president, it's plain to see, he can't do it! The will may be there, but in this case where there is a will there is still no way. The sad reality is the election is all about winning. Winning for the party, not for the people. The Democrats have a big problem on their hands. The Republicans have Donald J Trump. That isn't the ideal position for them. Trump certainly isn't going to quit. Perhaps Marco Rubio will be chosen as his running mate. Would you want him as President? Not sure about that one. 
  Well, we have to get through the summer. Time is closing in on the candidates. Events in the middle east are heating up rather than cooling down. Can a war be inevitable? It is inevitable that we will be further involved no matter what happens. Those events in the middle east are tearing at the very fabric of America! Each day we are looking more and more like some third world nation unable to care for our own. The ship isn't on an even keel, and someone needs to right the ship! We need a strong leader! I'm just not certain we have anyone up to the task. At the moment the choices are Biden and Trump. No other candidates stand any reasonable chance at winning the election. Like it or hate that is the reality. Biden isn't capable of the job. He can't even pretend to be! We are left with Trump. And that's the bottom line, like it or not. That debate was a pivotal moment in history. No turning back from that. All the Democrats can do is pivot!  

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