Tuesday, July 30, 2024

I didn't know

  A little more about the Olympics. Yesterday I noticed how many experts in Greek mythology are on Facebook. Really not that surprising as in the past there have been anthropologists, animal behavioral experts, art and music critics and philosophers. I soon learned how inadequate my education about the ancient Greeks was ruining my quality of life. I was upset by the imagery of the opening ceremonies for the games. I should be celebrating that ancient culture, fully appreciating the symbolism and grandeur of the presentation. Instead, being an uneducated person lacking that knowledge I was disgusted. So off to the internet to learn more about that, to improve myself, to become enlightened. 
  The very first Olympic games where apparently held 330 years before the birth of Christ. Wikipedia dates it earlier than that at 776 BC. At least a stadium was built around 330 BC whose primary purpose was the Olympic games. Those games continued happening every four years until 393 Anno Domini. The ancient Greeks were celebrating their plethora of Gods. In general, it was just a big old party filled with games and debauchery. The ancient Greeks had a rather loose system of morality. They were "woke" way back then. Public drunkenness, casual sex with multiple partners, same sex relationships, pedophilia and all of that was commonplace. That continued until the Roman Emperor Theodosius banned the games altogether. He was a Christian and was attempting to suppress paganism! Yes, the intent was to have people behave in a more Christian fashion. 
  So, no more Olympics for another 1500 years. Then in 1896 a Frenchman decides to revive the games. Those games have evolved over the years. The summer and winter Olympics were created. Sports were added and removed. The rules have changed over that time as well. The ancient Olympics were all about the Gods. In particular Zeus. He was king of the Gods. The modern-day Olympics are supposed to be secular in nature. Still there have been prayers offered during opening ceremonies in the past and many of the athletes give praise to God for their victories. I'm certain many pray to their God for strength, safety and success. I haven't read exactly what that French guy had in mind when reviving the Olympic games, but I don't think he was proposing a return to the ancient Greek celebration. 
  Now having read a brief portion of the history of the games I'm a bit more educated. That knowledge leads me to think, why would another Frenchman decide to celebrate the debauchery that was evident in those ancient games? The only reason I can think of is because he supports all of that as just perfectly fine, the normal thing. Then you have to have an entire committee agree with that notion. It wasn't an individual choice. The expectation was that all the world would know this history and immediately recognize the figures. Oh look, it's Dionysus. Yes, and a pale rider on a horse from Greek mythology. Interesting is the mysterious figure handing over the flag. Who was that? Did you notice the flag was hung upside down? What does that symbolize?
  Was it all a parody or just coincidence. The Greeks had twelve major Gods. There were twelve disciples. Dionysus is shown wearing a crown of sorts, beams of light or whatever, so is Jesus in that famous painting. The table looks the same, the setting the same but I guess that is all coincidence. It just confused me the uneducated person not well versed in Greek mythology or certain video games. I read where one character was supposedly based on that. It's all a big secret though. Only the elite will know and understand. The commoners, the spectators don't need to be concerned with any of that, you will be told what to believe. It was all just a recreation of an ancient Greek custom. You should have known that.   

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