Wednesday, July 10, 2024


  Recently here in Maryland the "legalization" of marijuana was passed by the legislature. I always point out that it is still a federal crime regardless of what the state says. Check the supremacy clause of the constitution if you have any doubts about that. And now I keep seeing these psa's on television about being "cannabis smart." In these little messages you are urged to not smoke pot in public, around children or while driving a vehicle. It's fine to smoke at home or in a private place, you can choose to use! In fairness during this little psa it is also stated you can choose not to smoke marijuana. Ah, the right to choose. That's a big one these days.
  I can't help but think prohibition. All the way back in 1919 the 18th amendment prohibited the manufacture, sale and use of alcoholic beverages. It took quite a long time for that amendment to get passed. Efforts had begun as early 1820. Temperance was being stressed. The reasons are obvious enough. The simple fact being people were drinking a lot of liquor and that lead to societal problems of all types. Not much different from today, those same problems remain. The bill contained a provision that it had to be passed within seven years. It only took 11 months. Enforcement was assigned to the IRS at first but later to the Department of Justice, the prohibition bureau. 
  Enforcement proved to be difficult. In the more rural areas of the country, it was a bit easier. It was in the urban areas that the business of bootlegging, speakeasy's and the sale of alcohol created additional problems. The statistics of the day did show a marked decrease in arrests for drunkenness, there were fewer injuries in the workplace, and less crime overall. But just like now there were those that were opposed to any such restrictions. In the cities organized crime took hold, gang warfare was prevalent, smuggling alcohol across state lines, and the manufacturing of "homemade" alcohol created an entire underground movement. And just like now, a great deal of the alcohol being sold to the lower income people, those that couldn't afford the "good" stuff was often poisonous. Yes, that stuff was being "cut" stuff added to give it that kick. And so, in December of 1933 the 21st amendment was ratified. It remains as the only amendment to completely reverse a previous amendment.
  Why was it repealed? The answer is short and sweet. People are going to do it anyway. That's the reason and the reason for the state's "legalization" of marijuana. It's interesting to note that not all states allowed the sale of alcohol following that repeal. The last state to allow alcohol sales was in 1966. That state was Mississippi. Alcohol was banned for societal reasons. It was called the great experiment at the time. It failed miserably. Why, because people wanted to drink. It was just too hard to enforce the law and so throw your hands up in the air and say, I give up. Same as pot. Well, people are going to do it anyway. 
  The thing is, however, laws are instituted among men to create a safe and fair environment for everyone. The thing is, people are going to do it anyway. So, where do we draw that line. At what point do we say, if you do that you will be punished if you choose to do it anyway. Where do we decide that because everyone is going to do it anyway, we just legalize it? People are going to drive too fast, should we just stop enforcing the speed limits? People are going to say mean things can we enforce a law that says you can't? We're trying, calling that hate speech. Why do we need the second amendment? People are going to have guns anyway. Should we abolish that? Lots of folks think so but they believe that will somehow prevent people from having guns. Prohibition was going to prevent people from drinking alcohol too. 
  It is all about choice. Will you choose to obey the law or not? That all depends upon the punishment received for choosing to defy that law. I firmly believe in deterrence as a method of enforcement. For me it is like raising a child, talking only gets you so far, at some point consequences must be handed out. Now it is true that each one of us responds to that in a different way. Some become compliant, while others become defiant. When the consequence becomes greater than the action most will comply. In short, sometimes it takes a heavier hand! Look at what we are now "allowing" giving our approval too because, people will do it anyway. It's just easier to go with the flow. We have come a long way since the inception of this nation. 
  Our laws define the morality of our nation. If you don't believe that, believe that our laws define the ethics of the nation. They are closely related. Are we going to become a nation where you can simply do whatever you like because everyone is going to do it anyway? That's what morals and ethics are all about, restricting what actions you take. Your moral and ethical values define you as a person. Making the right choice, doing the right thing is the goal. Self-denial and sacrifice are required. People are going to do pretty much whatever they want to do and find some justification for doing it. None of that makes it right. It wasn't right when I was a child and was asked, why did you do that? My response being, everyone else was doing it. I was told, you know better. And you know what, I did, and so do you. 

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