Friday, July 5, 2024


 Project 2025. What is it really? It is a long list of proposals compiled by a conservative coalition and proposed as a platform for the Trump campaign. It is really the same thing as what Obama had, " the liberal center for American progress" called Obama's idea factory. There are any number of "think tanks" that make proposals and attempt to push their agendas. The Bilderberg's are one we hear about every now and again. They meet yearly and it is supposed to be a secret what they discuss. They are plotting the New World Order. Yeah, okay.
  But project 2025, as it has been labeled, has four main objectives. The first one being to reestablish the family as the core of American society. Yes, the traditional family unit that has been the core of all civilizations since antiquity. The purpose being to restore balance in society. Children need a father and a mother, children need that stability, that balance in order to develop properly. The family teaches children basic values like loyalty and respect for authority. Structure. Project 2025 would seek to shrink the size of government. The plan is to eliminate a good number of government positions and replace them with appointed individuals. A plan to reduce the administrative state that has grown so bloated as to be ineffectual. Other goals are to secure our border, defend our sovereignty and defend our God given rights to live freely. 
 That is what project 2025 is really all about and it scares those on the left to the core. It would mean a reduction in their power and control. And that is why you will be hearing about how terrible that it is! Why it is a plan to make Trump king! You will lose all your rights and property. You will be subjected to persecution. OMG it must be prevented at all costs! That is what you will hear from the mainstream media outlets. It is the lefts' campaign of fear. That is how they are going to attempt to sway the voters to their candidate, Joe Biden. Unless you vote for Joe Trump wins! If Trump wins, it's all over. the democracy is lost. No more can you just insist that, this is how I feel, and have government support that. No more governance by emotion. Can you imagine?
 It isn't easy but it is possible to read the actual documents yourself. It's a shame that you can't simply Google it or ask the internet and get an unbiased factual article concerning project 2025. The powers that be don't want you to know that to be informed. One of the biggest issues with project 2025 would be the proposed defunding of all this "climate change" research and legislation. In those papers there are two competing ideas about tariffs and trade. 
 It isn't a simple straight up manifesto as the left would lead you to believe. It is a collection of "ideas" by a group of over one hundred conservative minded scholars, politicians and business leaders. It does not propose abolishing abortion! It does propose stopping the sale of mifepristone. It would also ban pornography and shut down all sites that distributed such. And yes, it also proposes the removal of such terms as, sexual orientation, diversity, equity, and inclusion, gender equality, and reproductive rights from all laws and federal regulations. Very upsetting to those on the left. 
  It's important to remember everything in there are simply proposals, ideas, and not a new constitution or bill of rights. It does not propose making the president a king or granting him/her unlimited power. It doesn't call for the dismantling of Congress or the court. None of that! What it does propose is a return to what those documents actually say. We the people, we are the majority, not the politicians defending their jobs or positions. The family is the core of America, and our traditional values should be upheld. That's what they propose. Truth is, it is nothing new, just a new tool of fear being used by the left! Remember all those proposals would require a majority vote. If the majority scares you, well, there are nations where you can go and not have to worry about that. If it isn't covid or climate change project 2025 will kill you. 

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