Thursday, July 11, 2024

talk about it

  You know the problem today? Everything is a national discussion. Take the condition of the president as an example. Does he have some signs of dementia or Parkinson's disease? Or is he simply getting old like the rest of us. It's a national discussion. You feel like you received the wrong "assignment" at birth, it's a national discussion. Everything, no matter how minute or insignificant is a national discussion. And all of that is the result of social media. I'm certain I'm not the first to notice this or question whether it is a good thing or not. It is the proverbial double-edged sword. 
  When I was in grade school, we were encouraged to read the local newspaper. That was our current events. Growing up in a small town those events were things like baptisms, births, birthdays and weddings. It may be what the Lyons club or VFW had planned. There were stories of local interest concerning businesses too. The headlines sometimes were items of national concern or interest. Those stories had to really be something big though, like the passing of the president, landing a man on the moon or something similar. 
 I had two channels on the television. Channel three and eight both emanating from Ct. The evening news was a half hour show back then, you got the facts and that was that. No one was telling you what to think, what it meant, or how you should feel about that, that was on you. In fact, I recall when the last words I heard at the end of the news were, "and that's the way it is." You decided how it was. That stuff was of national interest and as a young kid it didn't concern me at all. I had no idea what any of that had to do with my world. Truth was, that was stuff for other people to worry about, politicians and the leaders, that is their job. Yes, it was good to know what they were talking about doing, or what had happened, but it wasn't my problem. 
  Then came social media. Now everyone is involved with every decision, every discussion on everything. It's a bit overwhelming to be honest about it. I'm not surprised by the rise in anxiety and mental health issues we are seeing today. No one is certain anymore what to do or say! If you fully support one thing you are labeled as a fanatic, belonging to a cult, or conservative! If you don't support everything the same applies except you are a liberal! With social media no matter what you think you have to be "all in." There is no middle ground anymore, that has been taken by social media, by the masses. 
  Consider this. When we speak of taking care of our own first, doing what is best for Americans and supporting American ideals that is called being isolationist. Today we are told everything must be globally based. When I was a kid what was happening in my neighborhood was the most important thing. That was followed closely by what was happening in the town. Things much beyond that were usually someone else's problem. Today I'm supposed to be concerned for the entire world! If I'm not concerned about what is happening to people in the remotest parts of the world, I'm a terrible person! And that is what social media has done, brought all those problems to my doorstep. 
 It is a step toward that New World Order we have all heard about. The global elites wanting control. The global elites are who? All the rich people, right. Control the economy and you control the people. Doesn't matter if that economy is at the kitchen table or the Bilderberg meeting. We are losing the ability we once had. It's cliche but it is the truth, the ability to just mind your own business. That's the problem with social media, everyone is in your business! You can choose to participate or not, that is your choice but choosing not to participate will affect you just as much as participating. The double edge! 
 I will add one more observation. I participate on Facebook and that is the only platform I'm really familiar with, I can't comment on Tic-Tok, Instagram or whatever else people are using. I have noticed the proliferation of "groups" on Facebook over the years. The birds of a feather flocking together. You might call them "isolationists."  I belong to a few and I even created one! It is a relatively safe place to go when I just want to be at home. Oh, they are disagreements, arguments and varying opinions to be found there as well, but generally a comfortable place. Almost like going home. It's my thought that is where the majority of us want to go to escape this social media firestorm. But like a car wreck most of us just have to stop and look. We all want to talk about it.   

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