Monday, July 22, 2024


  The big announcement yesterday came as no surprise to me. The only uncertainty I had was whether he would resign or simply not run for reelection. I suspect some deal was made between himself and the powers behind the scene. There are a good number of legal issues concerning the Biden family that could be handled with a little bit of cooperation. A little Quid Pro Quo. Not surprising, business in Washington as usual. But yesterday's announcement did check another box. I have been thinking about the Democratic National Convention from 1968. It's the famous one. This one is shaping up to be another doozy!
  I was only fifteen in 1968 but do remember seeing a portion of that fiasco on the evening news. A great deal of what was said on the convention floor was censored, unfit for the general public ears. It was quite a shock to many people I remember that. Back then it wasn't considered nice to discuss politics in polite company but that was an exception. It was simply outrageous. Yes, those words we hear today in almost every rap song where being used on the convention floor! 
  That convention took place in Chicago. Fifty-six years later and the convention is once again in Chicago. Lyndon B Johnson was president back then but announced he wouldn't seek reelection. The reason for that being in polling he was a distant third among the primaries for his party. Rather than risk embarrassment by losing the election, and possibly the democrats losing the presidency, he simply did just as Biden has done. By doing so the convention now became about selecting a new nominee. Same thing today regardless of any urging that it must be Harris. As Yogi Berra would say, it ain't over till it's over. And she ain't the nominee until that convention is over and the decision made. It should be quite the fight. There are many powerful figures that see an opportunity here, a crack in the wall, a little light at the end of the tunnel.
  The big issues of the day in 1968 where the war in Vietnam, very unpopular, voting rights, at that time you had to be 21 to vote. The result was the young people and minorities were becoming very active in politics. That was something new back then, very unusual and disturbing to the "establishment." The country was going through a period of civil unrest and riots. Does any of that sound familiar? There were two assassinations. Martin Luther King and JFK. Dr. King for his urging for peaceful protests and his marches. Why was JFK killed? We may never know the real reason, was it a conspiracy? Where their agents of the government involved? Does that sound familiar. And there were a group loosely defined as the Yippies. They were quite the radical bunch. They had made threats and promises to disrupt the convention. They promised to riot, to protest, to create chaos in the streets. The then mayor of Chicago Daly took all that very seriously. He filled the streets with every police office he had and added 600 national guardsmen to that mix.
  All of that was done in the name of security. As the convention began the Yippies kept their promises and began creating general chaos outside the convention. The police cracked down hard. The billy clubs were flying, people being clubbed and arrested. All of that was being shown on big television monitors inside the convention hall. That created arguments among the delegates. It all soon broke down into what proved to me a brawl and a national embarrassment for the democratic party. After all the smoke cleared, all was said and done, Nixon won the presidency. 
  I am just struck by how similar the situation is to 1968. Many of the same issues are being faced today. On the top of the list is border security. Although that wasn't a big talking point in 1968 it is creating a divide. The voting issue today is what? It isn't about the age you can vote but who can vote in general. Attempts to secure the vote being called racially motivated. Yes, the minority issue once again. It was being said minorities were being prevented from voting back in '68. The war was very unpopular as well. I'd say the discussion on the war in Ukraine and our support for that and in other arenas qualify today. The people are still shouting for peace! It looks to me like all the ingredients are there for another chaotic democratic convention. 
  Some democrats are only interested in nominating Harris. They see that as a milestone in the political arena. The first black, although I've heard claims that she is also Indian and a few other ethnicities, female president. What a win for the minorities! And that is the only redeeming qualities she really has. But that doesn't matter to that bunch, just having the first is. There are others however that see a chance to grab that brass ring for themselves. Many debts could be satisfied by simply nominating the correct man, or woman. It's a chance to be out with the old, and in with the new! A chance to unseat the status quo. 
  A fresh look for the democrats. All they need to do is defeat Trump. Joe wasn't going to do that, it became obvious. Can Harris? Well maybe if you can get all the minorities to vote for her exclusively. That is the gamble with that nomination. Of course, that means all minorities not just blacks. Black people only comprise 14% of the population. Can they count on the Asian, and Hispanics to cooperate? It's a risk isn't it. Still if enough is promised there is a chance. Open borders, welfare for all, free medical for all, housing, education and the right to vote in our elections should do the trick! No need for a path to citizenship, just go to the head of the line. It's the only compassionate thing to do. Don't worry, we will print more money. 
 All we can do is wait and see what happens next. History does have a way of repeating itself. The reason for that is simple enough to understand. Human nature doesn't change all that much. The same things making you upset today will upset others in the future. The democrats were upset about a great deal of this stuff back in 1865 after they lost their war. They are still upset trying to figure out a way to use those minorities to their advantage. If you can't get them to work on the plantation at least you should be able to get them to vote for you. The goal is the same, the retention of power. How many democrats threaten to leave this country, "secede" every time they don't get their way. It's a common theme, always has been. 

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