Sunday, July 28, 2024

it is what it is

  Here's the thing with me, I keep fantasy separate from reality. I may not always like the reality, but I accept it for that. I wonder sometimes about others and their ability to do that. As I scroll down my Facebook page, I do see the meme's, the little articles or whatever. I read the comments. I'm always amazed and amused by those arguing about a movie or a television show of some kind. I scratch my head as I read comments, sometimes quite lengthy explaining something or questioning how that could be. I usually wind up saying, it's a show, a fantasy, make-believe anything is possible. 
  I have seen on television that they have entire conventions about that stuff. I laugh when I hear the name, it always ends in "con." I realize it is foolish to speculate or assume certain things but I'm assuming the "con" stands for convention. I'm laughing because there is nothing conventional about any of that in my way of thinking. People are being conned alright; they are fooling themselves. But I'm told it is a harmless pastime, a hobby this playing dress up. They call that cosplay. As for me I quit playing dress up when I was about five years old. Oh, I did play cowboy and army guy until I was about ten or so, I guess that is the same thing.
  To each their own I suppose and if that is what you want to do that's fine with me, you don't need my permission or endorsement. I do have a problem when you get fantasy mixed up with reality. That seems to be a growing issue in today's world. I'll start with a very basic one. Everything in this world is binary! Yes, there are only two. No matter how you feel, no matter what you do, no matter what, there are only two. Male and female, black and white, up and down, hot and cold. Of course, there are different degrees to each one but in the end, there are still only two. You are alive or you are dead. That's reality. Another reality is that guns, knives, bombs, automobiles or any other inanimate object you can name may injure people, but it takes a person to animate that object. It isn't the fault of the object; it is the fault of the individual! A third reality is that some people will have more than what you do whether it is money, fame, property, looks or intelligence. Life isn't fair! 
  Now as to fantasy it can be an entertaining diversion. A big fantasy is that everyone can be different while being the same. I hear that one a lot these days. There is an old adage that says birds of a feather flock together and that is the truth of the matter. Why is that? Because it is the natural thing, the way of nature and man is a part of that as well. It isn't racist, it is a natural thing. Whenever something is different, we react to that in one of two ways, remember everything is binary, we are either curious or afraid. Any further interactions we have will depend on the result of the first. To expect anything else is a fantasy. You can't create reality, it is what it is. The best we can do is accept it. Barring that, all we can do is make-believe. 

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