Friday, July 26, 2024

digital dependence

 I saw an article online about some school systems now requiring the students to put their cell phones in signal blocking pouches. I have always thought that such tech would be easy enough to block as half the time I can't get a signal when trying to do so, lose that gps signal often too. The reasons the school was requiring that is obvious enough, it gets the kids to pay attention in class, you know less distraction. As I was browsing that article my tv was running in the background. I heard the reporter talking about another car crash caused by you got it, texting while driving. Yes, it was distracted driving. So, you know what I thought immediately? Maybe we should simply block those signals inside the car while it is running. I'm thinking that could be accomplished fairly easily.
  Later on, I made such a suggestion on a Facebook posting. I was aware that I would get some feedback on that, after all, we are talking about cell phones. There are many people today that feel like a cell phone is an essential thing, a must have to survive and an absolute right to own and use whenever and wherever. If the founding fathers had known about cell phones and the internet it would have been written in the constitution! Yes, it is that vital. I wasn't disappointed. If lives are lost because people are being distracted by their use, that's a shame, but no reason to block them. Well, because no matter what, people are going to use them anyway. We are already fining people and restricting their licenses if they are caught, that's good enough. 
  This isn't the first time all of that occurred to me. I had that thought the first time I saw a television screen in the dashboard of a SUV. Changing the radio stations was distracting enough but that has been elevated one hundred-fold. If you can do it on your home computer/entertainment center, you can do it in the car. Now we are even experimenting with self-driving vehicles, so you won't have to pay attention at all! Maybe they will have a reminder built in, a message like the GPS system that informs you, put your seat backs and tray tables in an upright position, your destination is on the right. All of that relies on those signals. What happens when the signal is lost? My thinking is it will quite a bit different than running out of gas or getting a flat tire. But that's progress right?
  I know that would never happen. The reasons we need to have internet/cell phone service twenty-four seven in every circumstance far outweigh any safety concerns. You never know when someone is going to call with vital information or need your opinion. What if you need to order something from Amazon. There could be a new tik-toc thing going viral. You just never know. And as far driving the car how am I expected to navigate anywhere without that GPS system informing me at every turn! Answer me that one, how! I'm not a pioneer you know, I couldn't possibly find my way to the Verizon store without that. Yes, GPS is a vital service. Trying to read road signs is just too distracting! Not sure what they were thinking about with those. 
  All of that sounds ridiculous doesn't it. It is and it is also the truth of the matter. Those are the reasons you will hear. The truth is the generations following us baby boomers have developed a digital dependence. Texas Instruments released the first pocket calculator when I was in high school, the concern then was students would use them to cheat and they were forbidden in class. It wasn't unfounded. Go to McDonalds and have the kiosk down, or the register, and see how quickly you can get your order taken. Could that fifteen dollar an hour employee add your order up and then figure out your change? Today we have people getting college degrees online. I'm certain they aren't using the internet to find the answers. Yeah, like a mail in ballot is 100% legit as well. 
  Any suggestion that internet/cell phone signals should be blocked or restricted in any fashion will never make it out of committee. There are many programs aiming to provide all of that for free to "underserved" communities. The reason being, it is vital! Without all of that those folks stand no chance of success in the world. Why they are living across the digital divide, and we must provide the bridge. The digital dependence is vital to control of the people. He who controls the media, controls the population. 
 Ever hear of a guy named Joseph Goebbels? The minister of "enlightenment and propaganda." He was instrumental in the rise to power of Adolf Hitler. Without him none of that may ever have happened. But he controlled the media, what people saw, heard and were allowed to say. Who is in control of the digital media? That isn't as important as realizing that it can be shut off with the flick of a switch. Lights out. Could you survive without your digital devices? I have my doubts when I hear people saying they couldn't drive a car without that. No, I can't go ten minutes without having cell phone service. The anxiety is just too great!  

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