Monday, July 15, 2024


  We have now shifted to the investigation. The FBI is attempting to find the motive. Well, I think we all know exactly what the motive was, hatred. As to why a twenty-year-old young man would take such action we will never know. What caused such hatred to be aroused in that man? That is something we can all debate, ponder about and place blame about. In the end it will be determined that he had mental issues stemming from his childhood. He was a loner, other kids made fun of him, and he should have been getting help. All the classic signs will be discovered. You know it, I know it and so does everyone else. You really can't explain what motivates someone to murder! 
  The investigation will also center on how this happened. All the questions will be asked. How did he get on that roof unnoticed by security? Why wasn't that rooftop being covered by the security teams? There are those already convinced it was some sort of conspiracy. It was a plan by the FBI, CIA or Secret Service. It was funded by Biden, Clinton and Obama. Maybe it was George Soros or some other billionaire. All that will be investigated. Nothing will be found because none of that happened. The simple truth is this man managed to sneak up there and get off a few rounds before being eliminated. And that in itself will be questioned. Why was he killed? Why wasn't he captured, taken into custody. That's part of the conspiracy right. Leave no witness alive. 
  Eventually we will start hearing about the gun used. It was an AR style weapon. What does that mean. An AR style weapon is a lightweight semi-automatic rifle. It isn't a sniper rifle. But the cries will go up again to ban those style weapons. Why those? Because the media has made them the scary guns, the ones most dangerous. They did the same to Donald Trump, made him the most dangerous man in America. And that is the power of the media. But all the investigating will discover nothing we don't already know, but fail to admit, it is the person not the weapon. All we can really do is try to protect ourselves from those that would harm us. That's what the second amendment is all about by the way. This notion that we can just ban the gun and the problem goes away is ridiculous. 
  Look the motive was hatred. That's it, plain and simple. What caused that person to hate Trump so much that he wished to kill him will never be known. Why do you hate whatever it is you hate? We all hate something and have a reason for doing so. The vast majority of us will never act upon that hatred in a direct sense. I hate lima beans but am not destroying your garden because you are growing them. But why do I hate lima beans? I don't like the taste of them. How did he get on that roof? He simply walked up there, through whatever security there was in place. The easiest way to do that is to act like you belong there, just casually walk through not drawing any attention to yourself. Was that woman riding a horse the distraction? Better investigate that. 
  There is no explaining madness. It is really no different from having complete faith in God. You can't explain that either. Both are human emotions, and both will continue being human emotions. The pundits will call it domestic terrorism or a variety of other terms. What it was, was an act of madness. That's all it was. All the experts can analyze his mental state all they want. All the experts can write their thoughts on the influence of media and even the video games the children play today. You don't have to have a PhD to figure all of that influences people. Guess what, we are all influenced by those around us and by our own private thoughts. Peer pressure we sometimes call that. Being cool. I'm hip and all that jive. I know it isn't the answer people want but the truth is, he was a nut. I don't care why he did what he did, he has been eliminated. It's just about all we can do. That and watch for the next one. Not all that much to investigate.      

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