Thursday, July 18, 2024


  Was a busy morning and I just now have time to jot down a few thoughts. Watching the news, I see that Biden has been diagnosed with covid. He did appear to be in a weakened state, a bit feeble and hesitant. But to be honest about it not that much different than last week. But they reported he has received his first dose of Paxlovid, well because the vaccine and multiple boosters just didn't do the trick. As I watched him leaving air force one and interacting with a few people I couldn't help but notice he wasn't wearing a mask. Isn't the protocol to mask up! Well, maybe that only applies to the common folks. He was heading into isolation at his home in Delaware. 
  Now being the big conspiracy person that I am I immediately became suspicious of this story. I'm aware that he met with Schumer and few others in a closed door session. They were telling him what was best for the party. They were trying, as diplomatically as possible, to tell him to step down. I didn't need to be in that meeting to figure that out. So now we need a way to have Joe exit as a conquering hero, a shining example of the "people" before self. Given his age Covid seems a likely reason. He can step down gracefully while barely clinging onto life. He'll survive long enough to pass the torch. I'm saying we will hear that in about a week or so. In that way the DNC will be free to nominate whomever they want. It's also one way to get rid of Kamala as she has proven to be more of a liability than an asset. Well, that often happens with diversity hires. 
  As far as what happened with the secret service blunder we are left with a lot of questions. I'm certain the order to that secret service sniper was not to fire unless the kid fired first. We have to remember this is America and the criminals always get the benefit of the doubt, always! Shoot that kid without his weapon being discharged first and the news would have reported he was shot down in cold blood! I understand that completely and I have no doubt that was the order. Whether the secret service will ever admit to that is another topic altogether. They have already attempted to place the blame on the local police department saying it was their responsibility to have someone on that roof. I'm waiting for the explanation as to why the secret service even allowed Trump to take the stage knowing that roof was unprotected. There is no doubt they were aware of that fact. Lots of questions here. 
 Lots happening these days and it is hard to keep up. JD Vance as vp, who would have guessed that. I hadn't heard of him beyond he said he was a never Trumper at one point. I can only guess something made him change his mind. That isn't uncommon with politicians, in fact it is rather there stock in trade. Sometimes they even change political parties just like that. Well JD is a young man and certainly has the stamina necessary. Remember Vice President is only one step away from the oval office. The president is free to resign. In accordance with the 25th amendment JD Vance becomes president and gets to pick his vice president. Could there have been a promise made? Something to consider. Trump, now wounded but far from taken out has all but secured the election, another four years, or maybe the plan is for a bit less? Conspiracy, plot or machinations?   

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