Tuesday, July 9, 2024


  The watchword of the day is diversity. We need diversity, we have to have more diversity, there is a lack of diversity and that has to change. So, what is diversity? Well, simply put it is variety. And we all know that variety is the spice of life. That's because anything different is a bit exciting, or possibly scary. You get that feeling that you may be doing something a bit naughty. Doing something that you shouldn't be doing. In some circumstances engaging in that may be called cultural appropriation. That's generally a bad thing unless you are also embracing diversity while doing so. It can be a difficult road to navigate. Following the path or going your own way. What us old timers described as "doing our own thing." We weren't embracing diversity, not exactly, just trying something new. It didn't always work out though. We discovered we had to find a way to fit in, to get along with others. Yeah, it's a drag man. 
  You see that's the problem with diversity, a lack of a common method. The greatest achievements of man rely upon cooperation. Yes, you need people from a diverse background, those that can bring a variety of skills to the proverbial table. There is, after all, more than one way to skin a cat. The problems begin when everyone begins to insist their way is the only way. You simply can't have everyone doing their own thing and expect to reach a common goal. It is great to have a variety, a diverse selection but in the end you have to make that selection. This is the way we are going to do it! That is what the majority is all about, the basis for democracy. It's important to understand that democracy itself is diverse in its' application. That's why we established a constitutional republic that incorporated democratic principles. 
  It is something I was told as a child and came to understand later on. Doing something just to be different isn't always a good thing. All of us want to be noticed on some level. That is part of human nature. You hear a lot about that today as well. The need to be validated, recognized and valued. There are those that are the trend setters, the popular people, doing something different. Others will emulate them, adopt that style, fashion or whatever. Few of those people are considered, shall we say, academics. That perception is usually reserved for the "nerds." There are exceptions of course, there always are. Why some people can set the trend, be that popular kid, I haven't a clue about. I was never that, although at times it could be said I was different. But who gets the cool nickname and belongs to the "in" crowd is still a mystery to me. For the majority of us the advice is to not rock the boat. Ever notice how most social groups have that "diversity" member? 
  I'm just an observer. I'm the guy that watches what is going on, makes comments about it, and shrugs his shoulders. Always glad to offer advice or suggestions. That is kinda what I do best. I have witnessed any number of diverse social positions. I was raised on that "wrong side of the tracks" attitude. I spent twenty years in the Navy and believe me when I tell you, you will meet and live with a very diverse population in doing so. I've known just about every manner of person there is. I've worked in the private sector as well. Lots of personalities there. A very diverse workforce. And in all of that I have noticed a common thread. When everyone worked together, setting aside their differences, their diverse attitudes and perceptions, things went well. When they didn't, it didn't. 
  You see it is a singularity of purpose that gets the job done. That's how we gained our freedom from British rule 248 years ago. We had quite the diverse population back then, although that isn't what you hear today. What you hear about is the majority. Yes, we were Europeans for the most part. Europeans are quite a diverse group you know. But they shared that singular purpose, freedom from British rule, think taxes and tariffs mostly. Putting your greedy hands in my pocketbook will really make me angry!   That's true to this very day. And that is what is missing today, singularity of purpose. Far too many people focused on diversity instead of unity. Everyone has to be included in order for this to work! 
 Yes, that's true enough, not debating that fact. Still, everyone has to agree on that singular purpose, the goal. And that, that is where the problem lies. It seems to me that there has been a major shift in attitude. Somehow, somewhere along the line we have gone from, earning it to deserving it. To earn it you often have to set aside your preferences, your method in favor of something else. When you figure you deserve it, that no longer applies. See the problem? Instead of celebrating our differences, how about fostering unity. The truth is you can only choose one thing at a time regardless of the number of choices available. Or as my father would have said, either shit or get off the pot!  

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