Tuesday, July 2, 2024

getting the deduction

  The city of Baltimore purchased two empty hotels for 18.5 million dollars. They have hired a management firm to run them for the next nine months. The purpose being to provide rooms to the homeless. It was reported there are 258 rooms available. That means it cost the taxpayers 71,705 dollars for each room. That's just for the room. The heating, cooling, water and electrical are not included in that expense. How much will that cost the taxpayers? Haven't heard any discussion about how they intend to fund all the maintenance. Oh, this purchase was made using Covid money. Yes, the relief funds that was intended to help all of those that were working and lost their jobs due to covid, those businesses that suffered due to covid and all of that. But instead, the city of Baltimore decided to go into the free hotel business! 
  Now who gets selected to occupy those units and for how long hasn't been talked about much on the news. I think we can all figure out who that will be. I don't need to speculate. How long can you remain homeless? That's a big question I have. Without some limiting factor why would I ever move out? If I'm getting everything for free, why would I want to pay? But if you make me leave, I'll just start suing the city for discrimination! Are you going to have the police forcefully remove me? What a public relations nightmare that would be. I might start suing when the laundry service doesn't do my bedding to my satisfaction or there aren't enough washer/dryers to go around. Certainly, there has to be minimum standards for cleanliness. Housekeeping should be provided as well. Or are you going to say I have no right to privacy and authorities can enter my space whenever they want? That doesn't seem right.
 The way I see it the taxpayer just paid over 70,000 dollars for a room for a homeless person, or perhaps two, if they can be made to share a room. What about families, can they share a room, or do they require a suite? We do have to be concerned about their dignity don't we. Of course, we do, and they should receive nothing but the best. That cost is just the beginning. All the plans for "services" to empower the homeless and provide them opportunities for job placement, training, medical and mental health services are going to quite the expense as well. The "free" money from the government will soon be expended and then where do those funds come from? Taxpayers. 
  The deal is, and you I both know that, these hotels will wind up being mini-ghetto's. They will morph into tent cities without the tents! They will be filled with the same issues as those living on the street because, duh, it's the same people. Drug use, alcohol use, prostitution, all matter of vice. The only thing different will be business can be conducted 24/7 regardless of the weather and with an increased degree of privacy. A prison without bars! That's what you are going to have. It isn't going to be pretty! There is no way the taxpayers should be involved in any of this. Charity isn't the business of government! Especially when that government will begin to impose that charity! Oh, they will call it by another name, a fee, a tax, or whatever, but it will be forced charity. Failure on your part to comply will result in you facing additional fines and prosecution under the law. Your property, your income will be taxed to provide for those "shelters." 
 And the only ones being "sheltered" are those people, not you or me. Are you getting free electric, free water, free housing? Do you have a lineup up people begging you to take advantage of their services? Agencies that just can't wait to help. Well, that's their job and they have to show they are doing something I suppose. And chronic homelessness isn't their fault, it's just a relapse and you get a do over. Maybe you just need some more help. We'll do our best to raise some more funds! Governor Moore signed legislation increasing fees and taxes with 132 separate bills. They took effect yesterday. That money is already spent though. If the taxpayers are going to fund all of this charity, we should at least get to deduct that as a charitable donation on our tax returns! I figure at least 30% of my taxes are being used in that way. Seems like I should get the deduction.         

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