Monday, July 29, 2024


  I'm not boycotting the Olympics. I'm just going to start with that. My not watching those athletes that have spent years training and dreaming to compete at that world event will not change anything. It will hurt no one except the athletes. I have and will continue to complain about that opening ceremony. It is my feeling it was very poorly thought out. In a world where we are always so concerned for the "OPTICS' how that was allowed to take place is baffling. I understand the Olympic committee has removed certain portions from the video of that ceremony due to international backlash. I believe that backlash is well justified. 
  I've read quite a lengthy explanation about what I was supposed to be watching. Yes, the spin doctors are in overdrive on this one. It sounds to me like the announcer at the coliseum in some movies I have watched. We are reaching back into hallowed antiquity in this recreation. A recreation that resembles the Last Supper to billions of Christians around the world. That was the optics there. But I'm being told that isn't what that was at all, no, it was a Bacchanalia. And we all know exactly what that is right? Well, we should. Don't you know your Greek mythology? That is all that was, a depiction of Greek mythology celebrating the god of wine and pleasure. That's why there were drag queens and a blue guy laying on the table. Just engaging in a bit of debauchery because well, that's what the Greeks did back in the day. You didn't see that? The implication with that explanation being, I'm just uneducated, not informed and I misunderstood the whole thing. 
  I'll be the first to admit I'm sorely lacking in my knowledge of Greek mythology. I learned most of that from watching movies like Jason and the Argonauts. I've seen Greek gods on casino games. I also learned most of my classical music from Bugs Bunny cartoons. So yes, I would say I'm pretty ignorant about Greek mythology. As it happens, I was born and raised in the United States of America. A predominately Christain nation I was raised in that religious belief. I'm far more knowledgeable about that story and familiar with those symbols and symbolism. I saw a depiction of the Last Supper. That was my "optics" at work and apparently that is also what millions of others saw as well. Was there really a reasonable expectation that a worldwide audience would see anything else? 
  I'll say I didn't associate that person on a horse with the rider on a pale horse in the book of revelations. I'm not that well versed in every book and chapter of the Bible, most I just have a passing knowledge of. After having that pointed out I can see where that might also be understood to be depicting just that. The symbolism is there. In ancient times there was another symbol that to the Hindu's meant prosperity and good luck, in Buddhism it represents Buddas footsteps, in Indian philosophy it represents the fourth state of conscientious. What symbol is that? The swastika! Could I use that as a symbol for opening ceremonies and expect everyone to know all of that? Well, if they don't, they must all be ignorant, uneducated fools! 
  In my opinion the whole thing is an international faux pas. France should be embarrassed and ashamed. I would never consider them to host the Olympic games again. Just who decided on all of that? That's what I want to know. Whatever committee did approve of that owes the world a sincere apology. Especially so today given all the flags, symbols and ribbons being flashed around today. The rainbow flag and all of that is protected by law, it's a hate crime to deface or disturb that. Certainly, that committee should have been aware! Where is the awareness for Christianity? There was none, not a thought to any of that. The expectation was everyone watching would be fully versed in Greek mythology and instantly recognize that a Bacchanalia was being depicted. Everyone would know that! Talk about out of touch with reality, out of touch with the people, talk about being inclusive! How about including the billions of Christians in the world and having a sense of awareness about that. 
  As to whether all of that was a deliberate thing or not, I can't say. I'm really not that much of a conspiracy theorist. I find it difficult to believe that no one noticed the resemblance to the Last Supper in that scene. I suppose it is possible if you are just told we are going to recreate what the Greeks were doing before their games. Still, I don't think it would have gone unnoticed. What I do feel like is that it was a colossal mistake. Perhaps they became so aware that they were blinded by their own brilliance! Yeah well, all I can say is I had a tee shirt that had this printed on it; if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull*hit. And that's what I think of their explanation.    

1 comment:

  1. I agree, I also don't know much about Greek mythology either
