Sunday, December 5, 2021

what we remember

  It's what we remember that determines the quality of our lives. With each passing year I become more convinced of that. We may call it nostalgia, the good old days, or whatever, but it is what we remember. More importantly perhaps is the way we remember it. In my mind most things were better in years past. The food tasted better, the music sounded better and people in general were better people. I remember the old folks saying we are all going to hell in a handbasket. There is some truth to that, today the handbasket is made in China! 
  I do think that today many are learning to play the victim role in this world. That isn't going to be a good thing in the future. Oh, being the victim may get you some things today, some benefits or entitlements, temporary appeasements. The issue being what memories will they carry forward? Remember when I got this or that? Then there comes the day they don't. That will be met with disappointment, anger or sorrow. Bitterness is what we call that mixture of emotion. The proverbial bitter pill to swallow. 
  I was taught to never speak ill of the dead. I wondered about that for a long time. Now I realize it is because it's best to remember the good in the person, not the bad. Those folks will become what you remember them to be. Some will reach almost mythical status while others will just be remembered with fondness. Still their memory will be a comfort to you as time moves on. You can draw from their experience. their life, as you continue on in yours. Their triumphs can become your own. Call them heroes, legends, or friends it makes little difference, it is their good traits that we emulate. That, after all, is the function of a hero, to set an example by doing. You earn that distinction. You cannot inherit that title; you can't volunteer for it either. 
 What we remember determines the quality of our lives. Whatever bad took place in the past, leave it there. Do not spend your time thinking about what could have been, or even what was. Occupy your thoughts with the quality moments of the past. When producing a product, no matter the material used, there is always a good portion discarded. That portion is called sacrificial material. It's not necessarily bad stuff, just stuff that isn't needed. In fact, it needs to be removed in order to expose the good. Don't forget about that material completely, retain it, it may prove useful in the future. Remember we make sacrifices in the hope of gain. That is the purpose. A sacrifice, an offering, whatever you wish to call that, is done for selfish reasons. A sacrifice is the path to creation. Hold onto the "good" and sacrifice the bad. What you remember will determine the quality of your life. 
"The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts." (Marcus Aurelis) 
I think he was saying, remember the good stuff and let the bad just lie there.   

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